(Long read...) My head is whirling, and it isnt just because Im - TopicsExpress


(Long read...) My head is whirling, and it isnt just because Im recovering from this damn bug. Thought Id chime in a little before - I hope - getting a long nights rest. For months at least, I was torn over whether the figure was too high and this all would be a demoralizing failure. Id had several friends pushing me to just go ahead and do it… Rich Black, Michael Gilligan, Claudia Handler, Rich Honig et al… but it was scary. I went over the timeframe and goal amount over and over, trying to sort out the odds. The thing was ready to go long before I pulled the trigger, in a sudden moment of bravery after a successful afternoon with Steve Young on an industrial musicals event last weekend. Launch Project Gulp! Naaaannng, naaaaang!! Jim Santo and his ad hoc team of pluggers - Jim Allen, Ron Gomes, Daniel Evil, et al… made it happen bigger and sooner than I could have dreamed. Their good-natured persistence made me feel a lot more confident and relaxed than I expected, by a long mile. People responded - and continue to respond - from all corners of my life and times, as well as newcomers. Surprises arrive throughout the day, every day. Its unlike anything Ive ever experienced. Now that weve reached goal, things have changed on the backer front: mainly Im getting lower-end pledges from strangers and increased pledges from people whove already gotten involved. Why this is the case I dunno, but its welcome. Ive been asked by a few people about Stretch Goals and Im not sure about that. Im considering it, especially in view of the very short time it took us to get to the goal, but there are some concerns. For example, I dont want to establish new sets of incentive rewards and further tie up my time fulfilling them; the main thing is getting the main project itself rolling. The whole lead-up to this Kickstarter was tentative and conflicted, as I said, and part of that was the anticipated reaction. A lot of people, I imagine, resent the temerity of someone begging for support on a project like this (personally, I see no difference between this approach and any other marketing campaign: if its worth it to you, you dont mind spending. If not, you wont spend). And its easy to see someone interpreting requests for any additional revenue as a greed-grab or a hustle. This whole thing was about wanting to establish a distinct, dedicated fund to work from so that the constant cash flow needed to keep life and family running would not further prevent my work from getting made. Keeping it separate, so life doesnt swallow art completely. I estimated the project goal based on my previous album expenses (the other albums, circa 97-03 averaged about 6 grand each, minus pressing/printing/promotion costs, etc), loosely-estimated printing costs (loosely because its open-ended; if the money goes further, the projects physical components will increase in number. If the money wanes, I simplify), and considerations for the Kickstarter cut, the Amazon cut and the IRS cut. The target figure seemed like a fair, workable and achievable figure. Naturally, more dough means more flexibility, so we hope this will continue to draw backers over the remaining weeks. To me, the building excitement is about what can be done, not what can be banked. The way Ive conducted my life and career thus far should demonstrate that personal priority. Timeframe affects the work too. The previous albums were hampered by delays caused by money issues: by the time I could afford to return to the ongoing work, it was often months old and new stuff was on my mind, most of which had to wait… for good. Sucked. This will let the work happen as it naturally flows. A thrilling prospect. The other thing about this Id like to mention is that the other reason for doing Kickstarter on my part was the burden of delivery. Ive been pretty well persuaded over the years that my work is largely unwanted. Certainly, in the commercial marketplace, thats true. And though the small group of supporters it has attracted have sustained my faith (give or take) in its value, the cost of creating more albums seemed untenable given such a tiny audience. Here, I have the happy task of seeing this through… for exactly those few precious fans whove continued to cheer me on despite many years of no recordings, few shows, and little visibility outside of whiny blogging and the usual Facebook yammer. David Garland made a witty plea on this projects behalf, in which he invited each person on his list to become a Medici and support my album. Well, that nails it. Its old school patronage, with a proletarian twist. And this pressure that my work must live up to your belief in it is a wonderful one. So many years of being told that ones work is all pretty much worthless… that really grinds a soul down. The only thing that prevented despair and surrender to silence was the constant, gentle urging of you folks who are still here, still eager, making this happen with a generosity that brings tears to my eyes. And you really are my Medicis. If anything can inspire work of value and substance, its this new obligation to validate your trust. Your names, images, whimsical preoccupations… all will appear in the finished opus. Your collaboration, immortalized for all to gape at in awe and envy (or, barring that, confused pity). And your love, your friendship will permeate the work, really. If others contribute, raising the take significantly, then Ill begin to work out what might have been stretch goal ambitions. Foremost would be some touring, or at least select shows / events. You never know. We have several weeks to go, and so far Im learning that sometimes the things we barely dare to hope for can actually happen. Ive done this stuff for decades, and nothing prepared me for the satisfaction of this enterprise so far. Sure, for the backing, but more importantly - and this is no bullshit - for proving that someone actually WANTS this. Wed done some recording on this thing over the past few years, with the likes of Willy Liguori, Stein Henning-Berg, Jim Santo, John Neilson, Jimmy Colford, Rob Miga and Jay Spero pitching in despite my fits n starts and insecurity. Now the fun can happen, because work with a purpose is the best kind of fun. These things hint at some of what all this represents. Im trying with all these words to indicate the many ways you have affected things with your participation. Life-changing stuff, the good kind. Its a gift to which I must respond with the finest work I can produce. I am honored to try and do that, my friends. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And anyone who will be getting in on this in the days ahead, welcome aboard; youre part of it already, just by giving a shit.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 02:41:05 +0000

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