Long shift at work and home now straight to bed. But before I - TopicsExpress


Long shift at work and home now straight to bed. But before I close my eyes I just want to say how thankful I am that God is so caring and loving. I have a job. Ive been given a wonderful husband who loves me and all the work in progress that I still am. Im provided for. A house, a loving family surrounding me that has been so kind hearted to take a chance to help me. A chance to participate in a drama production to proclaim the truth and tell people about Jesus. I have running water and food every day. I have things I dont even necessarily need. Like more then two pairs of shoes and enough clothes to wear something different every day of the week. I have make up and a brush and soap to wash with. Im so thankful. There are so many without these things... these thing s that could be considered easily as luxury. America says fancy cars and 200 dollar shirts and maid service is luxury...i say its just over kill. Hot food every day and toilet paper is luxury. So I am forever thankful. We should never take anything for granted because there are innocents out there without. So thank you God because I am extravagantly blessed. Help me to be all that you want me to be. And allow me to cross paths with people I can bless and share your love with. Lead me on Lord and let me always depend on you. Thank you, thank you.....Thank you. I cant say it enough....Thank you my father in heaven who loves me
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 09:08:43 +0000

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