Long story short: It is responding to Vitamin C! And a BIG - TopicsExpress


Long story short: It is responding to Vitamin C! And a BIG thanks to all my friends for caring and for the prayers! I tried lying in bed for hours and hours, with a heating pad, and ibuprofen, aspirin, it was steadily getting worse again. I was talking to a DR a while back on the phone who said it sounded like I had some obscure Virus. On that premis, last night after I saw it was getting really bad again, way too bad to sleep. I started taking heavy dose of C . Ive long studied Linus Paulings (who won TWO Nobel prizes not shared) but I was intrigued by his years of research with Vitamin C, he was even sure he could treat, and prevent, and even Cure some types of cancers, and its been proven to knock out cold and flu viruses if administered early enough after contraction of the virus, and in sufficient dosage. I know that his promotion of orthomolecular medicine, megavitamin therapy, dietary supplements, etc, and some of his conclusions regarding his years of research with vitamin C in particular, has been criticized, mainly by proponents of the big pharmaceutical industry for ther most part if the truth were told, Im relatively certain, but anywway, after years of tests he carried out on thousands of patients in hospitals, the worst side effect of Vitamin C was diahreah, which occured after 10,000 MG a day dosage in only a few cases. But back to the point, so anyway, I started taking 2 500MG liquid center Vitamin cs every hour, after 4th dose it was not getting worse, and after the 5tg hour or dose last night it wasnt hurting as bad and i could move it more, today it is a LOT better. I have had Bursitis at least 4 times, had a sever case in my left shoulder the year my dad died from cancer, my family Doctor at the time a good one , took seems like 2 or 3 months top get rid of it, with some medication and the painful needles. I had it a coupe more times so bad I couldnt move my left arm muct, like to raise it up to my shoulder level , but that pain was NOTHING compared to what this was last week, it does seem like some type of infection of the bursal sac in my elbow, but seems Much worse than any bursitis Iv e even known, and the DR said i hasd a very severe case in 1979. It started out in my lower left back, movee to my right shoulder, then to left shoulder theb to my left chest! then back to left shoulder then to my left elbiow, and then to my neck a large knot appeared last week and hurt Bad, then back to my left elbow mostly by 2 or 3 days ago? that all started over a month ago! I got to talk to a DR I know on the phone for about 20 minutes, she after questioning me of symptoms, and thinking came to think it was a strange virus, and that if I were tio travel to see her, there was ost like nothing she could do, idf it was some obscure virus. Strange eh? but anyway, long story made even longer, I decided to try massive doses of Vitamin C and it worked. I could NEVER have typed all this yesterday! :-)
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 09:15:57 +0000

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