Look, I know you are ALL tired of hearing about this, I have them - TopicsExpress


Look, I know you are ALL tired of hearing about this, I have them on the back foot now.... Give me one final push people and spread the word! Shine a light on Saoirse this Christmas, share this post. Help me end this so you dont have to listen to me begging any more, please??? For Saoirse, if not for me..... An open letter to the Executive Director of Amnesty International Ireland that got no results except Colm telling me this was a custody dispute. Dear Colm, First I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this and respond. I am also a great admirer of the work you have done in exposing child abuse. I know you are busy with work and the kids and I greatly appreciate your time and efforts. I have a couple of websites that have most of my story and lots of the evidence that supports my case. I am aware however without guidance it can at times be overwhelming to understand the complexity of it. I have copied and pasted the synopsis below so you can get an idea of what happened. Before I go much further I would like you to consider for just a moment what it would feel like if someone took away one of your children and you never got to see them again. Close your eyes for a minute and take in all the fear, helplessness, anxiety, worry, depression etc. that would cause you. Now imagine that moment lasted over 8 years. That is my life, every day. I have tried many times, unsuccessfully to have the Irish government and media address my case and frankly it is very disheartening. At one point I undertook a hunger strike outside the US embassy in Dublin which lasted 7 weeks and got limited attention. Im sure you felt the same when you first started on your journey. As you said yourself, It is not your fault that your society cannot face the truth of the terrible things you and others are forced to endure and that your suffering is the price of their comfort, but that too will change. I am still waiting for that change Colm. This is the very reason I have come to you, the Irish government refuses to face the truth of what has been done to my daughter and I. It is neither my daughters fault nor mine that I was accused of crimes I didnt commit. Their comfort is my hell. For a long time I felt I couldnt speak out then one day I realised, just like you, that I was the victim and this was not my fault. I have nothing to be ashamed of, particularly since the initial charges against me were dropped by the successor of the D.A. who did this to me on her first day in office. Unfortunately, the very people who should have protected my daughter and I from this hell were the very people who put us in it. Who do I go to then when the Police are the criminals? What would you do if you were in my shoes? Amnesty International has always been the beacon of hope for those of us who are suffering injustices. Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian lawyer was just doing her job when she was persecuted, just like me when I was working as a private investigator. If Amnesty International cannot help me, who will? Who would you go to? Amnesty has never shied away from a case before due to fears of offending a government which is violating Human Rights. Im sure the Syrian and Iranian governments and every other government which it has intervened with has felt its toes stepped on. In fact if Amnesty is not stepping on a governments toes in some way to address a human rights violation then it simply is not doing its job. I cannot imagine Amnesty shying away from any case due to political reasons and if does so in this case, it will be a first and would make great headline news. My battle had been going on for 2 years before I opened a licenced medical cannabis dispensary providing safe access to medicine for many Aids and cancer patients. It was my only choice as I had been harassed by cops in any job I found and had to find a business model that at once would return revenue and allow me to work for myself. I was working well within the parameters of the law. Some 5 years after I had returned to Ireland, I campaigned to have medical cannabis recognized and made legal in Ireland. This year patients in Ireland will have safe access to a medicine which can treat numerous ailments and improve the lives of many thanks to my work. You never know, someday you may even need it yourself. As a campaigner in that regard I work to help patients with legal and medical issues worldwide. I am their beacon as you are mine. I am asking you as an activist, as the Exec. Dir. of Amnesty, as a father and lastly as a human being to help us. Yours sincerely, Gordon Mc Ardle napavalleychildabduction.webs List of witnesses/Subpoenas being sought! Francis Ford Coppola- Movie Director/ Winery Owner. I was on my way to my first day of employment at his winery on the morning of the accident Nov. 10, 2003. Francis and I had worked together previously on the Uptown Theatre project. Martin Sheen- Actor. I marched in an Anti-War rally with him both of us side-by side talking for minutes about Ireland. I was on the podium that day when photos were taken. It was the day of the Kuleshova case and Katrina was there to witness it. Arnold Schwarzenegger Actor/ Governor of California, via a Coup DEtat engineered by Darrel Issa, who thought he would get the job. The vote was split 1000 ways so Arnie won. Id called every media outlet in the Bay Area and sent them minutes of the meeting with Arnie, Mayor Riordan of L.A. and Enron. As soon as Arnie got into the Governors job he told Enron they didnt have to pay back the $9 Billion the courts had ordered for theft of money via turning off power grids. Governor Gray Davis- Signed into law SB420 as retaliation in a final act for the Coup DEtat by Darrell Issa. Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams I was hired to photograph Gerrys 1st visit to the US and was in the hotel with them after events, can be supported by the FBI. The importance of this will come up later. Jimmy Smyth- Maze Escapee, I delivered messages from FBI informant Lt. Mike Loughran of Napa Sheriffs Dept to Jimmy warning of imminent arrest. Jimmy stayed and was arrested. Jerry Brown- Governor of California, addressed many times about ,my case, ignored it. Kamala Harris, Attorney General of California,addressed many times about ,my case, ignored it. Enda Kenny, Taoiseach of Ireland- Wrote a letter during my Hunger Strike outside the US Embassy Dublin in 2006, ignored me since! Brian Cowen- Ex Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ex-Taoiseach, addressed many times about ,my case, ignored it. Bertie Ahern, Ex Taoiseach addressed many times about ,my case, ignored it. Dermot Aherne Ex Minister for Foreign Affairs, addressed many times about ,my case, ignored it. Colm OGorman Executive Director Amnesty International Ireland, addressed many times about ,my case, ignored it. Charlie Flanagan Current Minister for Foreign Affairs. Irish Consul Generals, 2004-20014 Gary Lieberstein, filed Malicious charges against me, abducted my daughter to cover up corruption. Stephan Passalacqua- Ran Sonoma Co. like a Mafia as District Attorney, one accusing, two defending and one Judging, all in the family for a nice little earner, except I wouldnt pay extortion. Jil Ravitch- Current Sonoma Co. D.A. Dropped Malicious Charges against at first opportunity. Greg Palast- Investigative journalist whose work helped me uncover Arnies ties to Enron. Joe Solga- A Public Defender who refused to do ANYTHING to fight my case despite there being TWO state laws protecting my fiancee and I from prosecution. Joe warned me that if I went to trial and told the Judge about my Exs prescription that she and I both would be locked up and the child would go to State care on charges that should never have been levelled against us, stellar work Joe. Glad I got most of it on email!!! Mary Stuart- my Sonoma Co Public Pretender, she got Katrina to Sonoma Co. so they could make the threats, told me it would look good to the judge to have them there... more on her later..... Califonia Highway Patrol.... youve got some answers to be given about that suspicious accident and why you refused to give us the details!!! There are a few more but hey Napa County, just try keeping all these celebrities and notables out of the media when the subpoenas land!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 01:00:54 +0000

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