Look Im not going to start any crap around here but... Tallis - TopicsExpress


Look Im not going to start any crap around here but... Tallis and I just captured a feral dog from a business, it had been there for a long time and was territorial. It was fed and watered, but no flea or heart worm preventative or shots. We did take the time to see if it would come to us, we did capture it with a capture stick, but Tallis picked the dog up from behind AFTER we controlled it and walked back with BOTH of us supporting it and not DRAGGING ITS ASS across the ground or hot asphalt or flipping it over and tearing its back up. I did not care if there were witnesses or not, it was the right way to treat a living animal. We placed it into a transport, and took off because ITS HOT OUT HERE! Straight to the vet for his check up. Tallis and I are trained animal control officers, our re certification date is 4/20/15, it is required by Texas law to be trained to do animal control. We were NOT the top of the class nor do we know it all, but we keep learning and trying. Think of this when you see YOUR tax dollars dragging animals in this heat over super heated surfaces. The animal is frightened, most likely scared or in pain, and totally confused of why it is being removed from any situation. Is it that much to ask to perhaps give that animal a little dignity and respect? Total capture time 30 minutes. Open field capture about a 40 acre fenced in area. Transport time to vet 25 minutes. You dont have to like this post or share it, but I would like the people of San Antonio to stop, read this and think really hard about it.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 19:59:48 +0000

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