Look Look! Deryn has other clothes! :D Deryn had his endocrine - TopicsExpress


Look Look! Deryn has other clothes! :D Deryn had his endocrine appointment on Friday morning, at the hospital by 8:30am so that they could drop his sugar levels so much that he could slip into a coma - nice... Deryn wasnt allowed to eat anything from midnight the previous night and not long after we got there, we were told about the coming tests. Deryn is short for his age, very short bless him - Dylan is only a couple of inches shorter and hes 10. These tests were to see why hes not growing, I think we already know dont we? - The treatment has put his pituitary gland to sleep and instead of pumping out some lovely growth hormones, its snoring loudly! They explained that when your blood sugar levels drop rapidly, the pituitary gland pumps our hormones to try and stop you passing out and going into a hypo coma. If they get his blood sugars low enough then they can take blood at the time that his hormones will have peaked. Deryn was told that he would feel pretty poorly, perhaps be sick and that hed feel light headed. So, they made him fast then they popped a cannula in then they had to wait for 30 minutes so that his brain could calm down. Apparently the stress from something as simple as that could cause the brain to release hormones and we needed them to not be there. 30 minutes later and the nurse arrived with a shot of insulin - this would drop his sugar levels further and they would monitor his bloods every 5 minutes. After 5 minutes his bloods had dropped a lot, they then waited another 5 minutes and theyd dropped further still. Deryn was starting to sweat at this point and was quite grey. 5 minutes later and they did a final blood test which said that his bloods had gone down low enough that his hormone production would have peaked. Deryn was rescued with digestives ( THE best digestives hes ever eaten apparently lol ) and a glass of lemon squash - he was told that if he was too poorly to eat them then they could give him a shot of glucose to raise his sugar levels. He told me afterwards that he was holding back the urge to be sick as he really didnt want the glucose! Once deryn felt better, about 5 minutes later - the nurse asked him how he felt going through that and if he was OK.... Deryn simply smiled and said Ive felt worse After had some lunch, they had to watch him eat it all before they could allow him to leave - we watched a bit of Russell howards DVD while we waited ;) Once hed finished his lunch, he had his cannula taken out and we were on our way home. Were back in on Tuesday to see whats going on with his hormones and whether or not theyll give him a growth hormone to help him out a bit. They told us that they cant give Testosterone all the time until he has finished growing as it fuses the bones, so theyd have to give him growth hormones and once hed grown as much as he can in what is quite a short space of time really, then theyd give testosterone which would bring on puberty. Deryn is a massive 154cms right now and we guestimate that he could maybe grow another 15cms in the next couple of years (not sure how likely that is or how painful it could be) this would get him to the same height as me :) Yaaay I wont be the only dinky one :) Ah but seriously, Deryn is OK with that, he said hed like to be a bit taller but hes OK with anything around the 58 mark as the best Royal Marines are 58 so it cant be that bad. We dont know how many years theyll allow him to keep growing until they start testosterone - so puberty may well be a few years away yet - again, he isnt bothered at all by not having to shave for a few more years ;)
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 20:07:36 +0000

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