Look at what he did versus what he said: Fiorina pointed to the - TopicsExpress


Look at what he did versus what he said: Fiorina pointed to the elephant in the room: For all the president’s big talk about how much he wants an immigration bill, whenever he’s had an opportunity to advance one, he’s either let it slide or worked behind the scenes to sabotage it. Here’s how she put it: “He sunk comprehensive immigration reform in 2007. He did nothing to push forward immigration reform when he had the Senate, the House and the White House. He said in ’11 and ’12 he couldn’t do anything. And then he delayed his action for the elections. Unbelievable cynicism.” Earlier this year, President Obama threatened the same executive order on immigration he’s now going to take. But what does it say that he put it off until after the midterm election — once again elevating political convenience over a supposed core principle? Even now, his promised executive order won’t give America real reform: one that provides a clear and lawful path for talented and hardworking people to come here, a guest-worker program that meets the needs of our economy, and a resolution that doesn’t leave in limbo the final status of the millions here illegally. All his order does is shield them from deportation and allow some to work. Here’s the shorthand: Like every other action this president has taken on immigration, this new one will, in fact, make genuine immigration reform less rather than more likely.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 05:01:33 +0000

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