Look at your tongues... By Umm Abdur-Rahmaan The Prophet [Peace - TopicsExpress


Look at your tongues... By Umm Abdur-Rahmaan The Prophet [Peace be upon him] said: The best believer according to his practice of Islaam is one from whose tongue and hand Muslims are safe. [ Al-Bukharee, Vol 1 No 9, Muslim Vol 1 No 64 & Abu Dawud No 2475. ] So believer! Dont you want be the best in your practice of Islaam? Dont you want be those who enter Jannah and live in delight and ecstasy forever? Then look at your tongue and hands! Are our brothers and sisters safe from the nastiness of our tongues and the evil of our hands? Are our tongues and hands a danger to them and a cause of pain to them? Are we, through our actions, purifying our souls or destroying them? Are we truly racing towards Jannah or advancing towards Hell? Let us look to our tongues first of all. We know full well that backbiting is a major sin. Yet how minor is our resolve to guard against it! A gossip-filled comment here of there may seem harmless, but it is a dangerous path to tread. We are belittling that person in anothers eyes. We may have raised our egos high only to plunge our hearts into darkness. In this earthly life, such comments serve to destroy trust and mutual affection between Muslims, leaving rancor and suspicion to settle in their hearts. We also cause those around us to take sides in this battle of the tongues. Thus a seemingly harmless comment has caused corruption and hatred in society. And Shaytaan is ever ready to pounce, igniting a fiery word until it turns into a blaze, so much so that words can even lead to wars. so let us urgently reflect on the seriousness of this vice, and understand why Allaah has compared it to the vile and sickening act of eating the flesh of ones dead brother: And spy not, neither backbite one another. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You would hate it (so hat backbiting)... [Al-Hujaraat 49:12] Let us realize the consequences for our Aakhirah also. The Prophet [peace be upon him] has warned us: When I was taken up into heaven, I passed by people who had copper claws tearing at their faces and chests. I asked, Who are these O Jibreel? He replied: They those who ate the flesh of people and insulted their honor. [Ahmad, Abu Dawood] How will we fare on the Day when tongues are torn apart and faces ripped open? So how can we dare to let our tongues roam so freely? Rather than listening to such evil talk, let us use our tongues to secure great reward, by opposing all forms of backbiting, and with beautiful manners, correcting it. These situations are oppurtunities from Allaah to perform Jihaad, for indeed trying to keep our tongues is truly a Jihaad, (Jihaad al-Nafs). Let us hasten to correct our everyday speech. When we speak, have we ever scrutinised how little sincerity there is in our voices? How mechanical our speech has become! Our words emanate from our throats and not from our hearts. How easily do our tongues hurt others. We feign care and concern for our fellow Muslims, but our hearts may be empty. Yet these are our very brothers and sisters! We should love them and desire the best for them. Tongues are sharp and hearts are cold, because the love of self has left no room for others... Let us examine our words more carefully. Do they bring comfort and relief to those around us or do they fall sharply and heavily on their hearts? On harsh word from us sends those gentle servants of Allaah plummeting into sadness and grief. But know that Allaah Hears everything. And the angels are recording every utterance: Not a word is said except there is a watcher by him ready to record it. [Surah Qaf 18] How will we fare when all our unkind words appear in front of our eyes the moment we are given our scroll of deeds? What terror-stricken state shall we experience on that Day, when it dawns on us that we too could be sent plummeting, into far greater grief...? We seek Allaahs refuge! Abu Harayrah reprted that he heard the Messenger [peace be upon him] say: Indeed a servant may say a word which he doesnt realize and it will make him fall into the fire further than the East and West. [Bukharee, Muslim] We must realize dear Muslims, and realize it now, that our words hurt and maim our brothers and sisters more severely than knives. Would we ever dream of cutting them with a blade? Yet with our tongues we cut deeply into their hearts. Know that we cannot be the best in our Islaam if we fail to guard our tongues. Indeed our Eemaan is in peril if we remain heedless. And if our Eemaan is lost, we have lost everything... The Prophet [peace be upon him] confirmed: The Eemaan of Allaahs servant will not be upright until his heart is upright and his heart will not be upright until his tongue is upright. [Ahmad] Consider how many times in the day and night we use our tongues! So let us not delay in looking to see how they may be destroying us. Let us strive to use them in ways that will, InshaaAllaah, save us, for indeed countless are the ways our tongues can secure Jannah, Insha Allaah! O you who wants to be the best believer! Run and rush towards gentle speech and good words. Call to tawheed, enjoin the right and forbid the wrong, and teach others with your tongue. Allaah [peace be upon him] has shown us the way, if we would only try: Who is better in speech than he who invites (people) to Allaah, does righteous deeds and says Indeed I am a Muslim. [Surah Fusillat 41:33] So heed this advice, before your opportunity is gone and your tongue falls silent in the grave...
Posted on: Wed, 12 Feb 2014 21:14:20 +0000

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