Look folks, get a grip! It should be abundantly clear by now that - TopicsExpress


Look folks, get a grip! It should be abundantly clear by now that the referendum result has a number of questions left to be answered. We probably wont get a satisfactory outcome to any of it - we are up against an extremely powerful opponent that has no moral compass. So dont get all precious because of something that appears on another groups page (Im referring to the 55% in this instance). Plenty No voters have seen the error of their ways and wished they had voted Yes. Huge numbers of Yes votes may well have been disregarded anyway, so 55% may be a huge exaggeration of the No vote - we just dont know the full extent of the shenanigans that went on at the vote. So let other groups have their say. Let other folks decide if they want to support these views or not - dont get involved in a tit for tat exchange. As Ive already said, there are powers at work that are out to remove us from the debate. This body has a long track record of manipulating people to achieve its own agenda - dont play into the underhand ploys of the establishment. They hardly touched social media before the vote, now that they have seen how we used it, they will do their best to use it against us - and the stuff seen on the 55% page is absolutely how I would do it if I was them. - so I say again, GET A GRIP! Dont fall for taunts to compel you to give the Yes point of view against a rigged question. All they want you to do is get pissed off - look at some of the dejected comments we have seen in here! Dont let them side track our movement, keep the faith and let folks come to us - dont go evangelising all over the place.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 20:24:28 +0000

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