Look into Psalm 47:4 and John 17:24 to rejoice and for - TopicsExpress


Look into Psalm 47:4 and John 17:24 to rejoice and for Confirmation ??? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The true elect and bride of Jesus Christ is always against the man made creed, dogmas, denominations which are totally against the Word of God.... When we are talking to other denominations christians..many times they will ask when is your organization started? where did u come from ? where did u go? 1. Organization started Before the foundation of the world ----------------------------------------------------------------- 60-1125 Conference Somebody said to me not long ago, said, Brother Branham, youre preaching this new kind of salvation, arent you? I said, No, sir. Said, Aint you got some of this new salvation? I said, No. I got a new case of the old salvation. Thats right. I said, This is the oldest there is. Said, When was it organized? I said, Before the world was ever founded. Said, How do you get that? I said, Job 7:27 said, Where was you when I laid the foundation of the world, when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy? Well this old-time, heartfelt, sky-blue, sin-killing religion shouting, why, my, its older that the Bible. Its older than the hills. Its older--its older than the earth. Its not new. Its something old. Just being a new case of it. Dont get inoculated from it. Come to it. 2. Where did u come from??? John 13:3 Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God; We come from GOD....We are His thoughts before the foundation of the World..... We come from GOD and we go back to GOD.... 3. where did u go? We go to the place where our heavenly father is. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psalm 47:4 - He shall choose OUR Inheritance for US !!!! John 17:24 Father, I will that they also, whom you have given me, be with me where I am; that they may behold my glory, which you have given me: for you loved me before the foundation of the world. The above scripture clearly says Who We are? Why we are Here? and We are created for HIS GLORY Jesus only asked for one thing in His prayer to the Father. You know what that was? One thing, after all of His sacrifice that He did here on earth, the life that He lived, the path that He walked, He asked for one thing: That where I am they may be also. He asked for our fellowship. Thats the only thing He asked the Father in the prayer: your companionship forever. You are his jewels — his crown. Heaven would be no heaven to him, if you were not there.” Think about that for a moment! Let its truth sink deep down into your inner most being, and your heart will soar to the highest heavens in inexpressible joy, wonder and praise! How old is the christian religion...Can you guess ??? ------------------------------------------------------------- JOB 38:6 6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; JOB 38:7 7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? God’s Provided Way (53-0613) Certainly, God has a provided way. You say, You got some of that new kind of religion, Brother Branham? No, sir. I got a brand new case of that old kind of religion. Oh, why sure. Way back before there even was a world, they had shouting religion. Where was you God said to Job, when I laid the foundation of the world, when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy? Amen. Have I got something new? No. Its still the same thing. Hallelujah. No wonder when that Stone come rolling into Jerusalem, all the people singing, Hosanna, hosanna.… And them starched priests said, Make them hold their peace. They… Oh, they–they excite me. He said, If they hold their peace, the rocks will immediately cry out. Something has to take place. SERPENTS.SEED_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-4 SUNDAY_ 58-0928E 11-7 I want to ask you, Who is this Job 27, there...?... when he said, Where was you when I laid the foundations of the earth, when the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy? Who were those sons of God that was shouting for joy? Jesus told them that, I had joy with you before the foundation of the world. Were not creatures of time; were creatures of eternity. No man can come to Me except My Father draws him. And all that comes to Me, Ill give them Eternal Life, and raise him up at the last days. No one can pluck them from the Fathers hand; He give them to Me. How you going to lose? See, youre scared. Youre afraid. Youll run around here, and thats one of the best evidences in the world that you havent been nowhere yet. Thats right. WHO.IS.THIS.MELCHISEDEC_ JEFF.IN V-5 N-10 SUNDAY_ 65-0221E 52 Now, we find Him at the beginning, His attributes. And now, you were with Him then. Then is when the Book of Life comes into view. Now, we read over here in Revelations the 13th chapter, the 8th verse, that the beast that comes upon the earth in these last days will deceive all those people on the earth whose names were not written in the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Think of it. Before Jesus was ever born, four thousand years before He came on earth, and several thousand years before you come on earth, Jesus in Gods mind died for the sins of the world, and the Book of Life was made; and your name was put on that Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Thats the Bible truth. See? Your name was ordained of God and placed on the Book of Life before the foundation of the world. You were there in His attributes. You dont remember it, no, because youre just a part of His life. You are a part of God when you become a son or a daughter of God, just as you are a part of your earthly father. Thats right. You are... The male carries the hemoglobin, the blood. And when that has gone in--in the egg, then you become a part of your father, and your mother is a part of your father also. So youre all a part of your father. Glory. That lets the denomination out altogether. Certainly does. God in all, the only place... SPIRITUAL.AMNESIA_ BIRMINGHAM.AL SATURDAY_ 64-0411 E-33 Now, to be a true Christian, you have to be the same. We dont want to forget that. All that He was, Im identified with Him. Im identified with Him. Notice. And He is in me, and I in Him. Notice. Then every Christian thats a real genuine Christian--Christian was with Him, when the morning stars sang together and the sons of God shouted for joy before there was foundation of the world. We were identified in the immortal realms with God ten million years before the world was ever formed. I was back there with Him. If Ive got Eternal Life, I was there with Him. I was identified with Him when the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy. I was with him when He called Abraham at the age of--of seventy-five years old, and his wife being sixty-five, and told him they were going to have a baby. I was with him when he took his stand upon THUS SAITH THE LORD: Im going to have the baby. I stood with him. Every other Christian stood with him. I was with him when his temptations come. I was with him when he went up on top of the mountain to offer up Isaac. I was with him when the ram appeared. LAMBS.BOOK.OF.LIFE_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ 56-0603 E-55 And this morning the Holy Spirit, through the Words bringing you the good news, that from before the foundation of the world God wrote your name in the Lambs Book of Life. All the devils out of hell cant erase it out of there. God wrote it and spoke it. Its just as sure to happen as God wrote it in there before the foundation of the world. Amen. How glorious our heavenly Father is in His infinite love and His mercy to do that for us. Then be ye therefore perfect, even as your heavenly Father is perfect. How can you be? When its not my perfection, its not your perfection; its His perfection of His Word, that He chose you. You never chose Him. And He brought you into Christ. And you are secure with Jesus Christ, and just as perfect as Christ was before God. For youre not standing with your own; youre standing in Him with one thing, I believe God. Amen. Oh, I love Him. Oh, my. On the other side of Eden... Amen, What a wonderful time itll be someday, when you look back down and say, Why did I fear? Look at the joy I missed. 1-1 SERPENTS SEED -- JEFF.IN -- V-2 N-4 -- 58-0928E As we are taught in the blessed Word, that we had fellowship with Him before the foundation of the world, when the morning stars sang together, and the sons of God shouted for joy, way back before the foundation of the world. How do we know that that wasnt at the same time that the Lamb was slain; that when God in His great thinking seen us shouting and rejoicing in our salvationthrough Jesus? And tonight were only got a foretaste of that great glory Divine which shall be revealed at His second coming.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 06:47:14 +0000

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