Look up! And know that the God of all creation loves you, and He - TopicsExpress


Look up! And know that the God of all creation loves you, and He knows your name!! One of my devotional readings this week was from Ephesians 1:18 which says, “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people” (NIV). This verse is talking about seeing with spiritual eyes and having spiritual vision...Gods vision for your life. So many people get down in life because things just dont seem to be going right, and perhaps prayers that they have prayed have not been answered, so they lose hope. The thing is, you get hope from seeing your life from God’s eternal perspective. Sometimes we THINK we know what we need, but God knows better. If we can just let go and pray, I want Your will to be done in my life, then trust Him to work out His will, we can rest in the HOPE that He has a great plan, and He will work it all out. The key to making it through the struggle in your life, no matter how long it lasts, is hope. And you don’t just pull it out of the sky; you get it from God’s vision. When you can’t see your way clearly, it means you’ve lost your vision, which means you’re going to lose your hope. In other words, without clear vision, you lose hope. When you don’t have a vision for your family, you lose hope. When you don’t have a vision for your career, you lose hope. When you don’t have a vision for your health, you lose hope. Learning to have spiritual vision is absolutely essential to your success, your stress level, your stability, your strength, and your HOPE. The Bible says in Proverbs 29:18, “Where there is no vision ... the people perish” (AMP). If you’re looking for God to do a miracle in your life, ask him to open the eyes of your heart and give you his vision for your life. Ask him to help you to trust in his plan for your life. Turn from things that may be hindering you from recognizing his will, and seek not THINGS, but only his will. His will is greater than anything you can possibly imagine, so trust him. After all, he loves you, and he knows your name! I love you all so much! Tonight I send you what I call an Indigo Moon. Its a picture I took a couple of nights ago when I was at a place called Club Indigo in Haiti. We had the blessing of being able to get away for some rest for a couple of days. On my way to the room one night, I looked up, saw this moon, and thought about YOU. I took a picture so that I could share it with you tonight. So look up and know that I still pray for you every single day. :)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:35:04 +0000

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