Look upward in faith rather than forward in fear - TopicsExpress


Look upward in faith rather than forward in fear The drift Look upward in faith rather than forward in fear. I have read similar phrases many times, but this one persists. Our mental direction is so vital and influential. What can be more secure and enduring than having faith? And when we battle with doubts and fears, of course this is because we’re stuck in ourselves. Why not get our faith from elsewhere, and trust an infinite power rather than limited self. You might be thinking “Why’s he mixing religion with athletics, business, education, etc?” I’m talking about faith not religion. Faith is a belief, dependence, assurance, reliance confidence and a trust. With that being said, who doesn’t need faith? We’re not going to get too far on our own. Regardless of the arena we’re in. There’s something much bigger than us at work. Isn’t it clear that the verdict of the ages tells us faith means stoutheartedness? All men / women of faith have courage. This faith, available to all, allows us to survive, overcome and outgrow fear. Faith frequently does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. I happen to have a strong faith and don’t apologize for it. Some may see it as weakness but its strength. Faith is remarkably valuable to any human who walks the earth. Yes, we have to be responsible, make decisions and choices. And yes we have more say over our outcome, relationships and results than anyone else. There’s a wealth of self-accountability required, but we cannot reach our potential, make it through life, or the top of any mountain, alone. We need help. We need others. We need both the seen and the unseen. We need faith. We’re enhanced in body and mind with faith. Instead of looking ahead in fear as we often do, we can look upward in faith. When we do and really believe, there is comfort, assurance and strength. Faith is belief. You may not see faith, but you can see and feel the results. For me, I certainly have something to believe in, a God that makes sense to me, and I trust in this faith. I need this faith! With faith, we’re able to match our misfortune, troubles, heartbreak, unhappiness, stress, struggles, and concerns. The Drift It’s so easy for our daily thoughts to amble directionless and into difficulty. How often do we drift into confidence, assurance, courage, fearlessness, delight, peace, gratitude, and contentment? Don’t most of us usually drift into worry, doubt, fear, anxiety, self-centeredness, anger, justifying, suspicion, indecision, restlessness, uncertainty, etc? Did I get them all? And of course the feelings always accompany the thoughts. Why do we run the script as if we know the future and outcomes? Doesn’t it make sense to look upward in faith vs. forward in fear? We have the choice, don’t we? We do. Is it easy? No! However, something this valuable will be demanding. The awareness we’re straying and then interrupting the adverse is necessary. You don’t have to tussle with yourself. Just recognize when you’ve taking a damaging and unhealthy turn and adjust. Faith is not a onetime “thing.” It has to be awakened and renewed continuously. Refreshing our faith is never finished but is always amazingly rewarding. When drifting, look upward in faith as an alternative to forward in fear.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 02:32:52 +0000

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