Look, we are all a little tired of it. Maybe we dont always know - TopicsExpress


Look, we are all a little tired of it. Maybe we dont always know how to bring it across in a way that is clear and articulate because we are so passionate about it. We are tired of your condecension, We are tired of being told that we argue from a presuppositional stance, we are tired of being told that we cannot use a book to discuss an argument about things contained in that book. So, enough. Maybe we are just being hyper-sensitive from all the leaning we do on our crutch of religion But we are all really tired of the generations of great men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the gospel, being brushed off as insignificant in the wake of your supposed intellectual superiority. Im not here trying to proselytize anyone, Just pointing out that no one attacks Budhism? Why is that? Young prince, disenchanted w/ palace life leaves home, wanders alone, hungry, struggling to find the meaning to life, ends up hallucinating from hunger under a tree and comes up with a religion of works. Hinduism, another performance based religion, 3 million + gods and counting, a caste system, abuse of women and children, abject corruption and poverty, all supported by oppresive religion and tradition. Oh, namaste my friend. Enjoy your journey on the path to enlightenment! No questions for them at all, but mention the name of Jesus? People start losing their minds! If only we could go back in time and tell Geoffry Bingham, James Hannington, William Mitchell, George Whitfield, John Wesley, John Birch, Adoniram Judson, George Muller, Jim Elliot, David Livingston, Robert Moffat, James Maxwell, Johnathan Edwards, and Hudson Taylor to name a few of the thousands of christian missionaries, to not waste their time shoving their religious views down other peoples throats! If only we could have mocked and scorned them for their faith in a historical, real Christ laughed at their faith and devotion. Maybe then they could have focused their thoughts inward and found true happiness by doing what they felt was right for them, instead of relying on fear tactics to control their audiences through false guilt and shaming. If only the great early men of Christianity had labored at transalating other mythology instead of Scripture. Imagine if Martin Luther, John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, John Calvin, and John Knox had not wasted their time with foolish theology but had instead focused on modern works that glorified men,animals and creatures as figures of inspiration and heroism. Imagine with me if you will R.C. Sproul, Dietrich Bonhoffer, G.K. Chesterson, C.S. Lewis, and Charles Spurgeon, what if they could have shaken off the feeble mindedness that shackled them to this bane of human nature we call Christianity? Other great minds such as Allan Rex Sandage, Benjamin Carson, Francis Collins, Robert J. Marks ll and Wolfhart Pennenburg, who will stand up to these pseudo intellectuals and demand intellectual honesty from them, and an apology for being so easily duped into a religous ideology consisting of a zombie Jesus and a guidebook no better than Grimms fairytale collection? Silly, and weak minded sheeple like Handel, Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Dvorak, Stravinsky, Messiaen should all be harshly criticized for their belief in some omnipotent being. Even worse, some of these men actually put faith in the ridicoulous notion man is accountable for his actions and in need of a Saviour! Da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Francis Bacon, Louis Pasteur even these men, some deist others decidedly christian their work should be discredited due to their belief in a ridiculous fable. Enough, stop weilding your preconcieved notions, your presuppositional arguments, and if we must argue, which we must, come to the table with reason, logic, and nothing else. Accusing others of the verything you are guilty of will only take us back to the second grade, yelling on the playground, Yes you are! No, Im not! Yes you are! Enough.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 01:56:26 +0000

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