Look what are children are being taught ! I wouldnt want any of us - TopicsExpress


Look what are children are being taught ! I wouldnt want any of us chanting Hussein in any song first of all , second there going over original patriotic songs and remixing them to favor Obama . We the people have the right to stand up when our government becomes corrupt how long will we wait to stand together as brothers and sisters of America and protest ? Lets said aside out differences before this isnt America anymore we dont need to keep making new groups to add on Facebook we need to all come together as American citizens before its too late we can make a difference , for our senate favors the democrats and they will never impeach without the outbreak of American citizens demanding justice for what he has done , he is not the first African American to become president and hes the first Muslim president ! His brother is apart of the Muslim brother hood and he has given billions to there cause . The government will not do anything until our voice is loud enough to be heard . We have to start today , America the beautiful America the free ! https://m.facebook/story.php?story_fbid=10201173647781844&id=1789715534
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:33:24 +0000

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