Look who is feeling MUCH BETTER!! Jaqie Angel Warrior-thats - TopicsExpress


Look who is feeling MUCH BETTER!! Jaqie Angel Warrior-thats who! She has been talking, yelling and laughing ALL DAY :) OK...so I have received lots of messages and emails with a bunch of questions on Jaqie and her current meds and dosages. Some people are stunned that she had bad seizures again while taking cannabis so I want to answer everyones questions and clear things up. Jaqie started Cannabis Oil almost 9 months ago. She started with a high CBD...like a 20:1 ratio and barely any THC in her oil. She was on zonegram, keppra, banzel and klonopin when she started her oil. Since April we have weaned off ALL AEDs except Klonopin which we are in the process of weaning currently. We have tried high CBD oil and THCa as well as our current doses..a 24:1 dose once a day and a 10:1 dose twice a day. All of this has been trial and error. EVERY PERSON IS DIFFERENT AND CANNABIS IS NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL TREATMENT. We have had to experiments so to speak and play with her THC and CBD doses. You all know Jaqie had a very horrible and new type of seizure the other day. She has had it in total 3 times now and I have no idea why or the exact seizure type. It looked like atonic-tonic-grandmal..and thats all I know. With out an EEG we cant say for sure. Does that mean Cannabis is not working for Jaqie?? The answer is NO, thats not what that means. Cannabis oil is still working very much so for Jaqie. As she gets older her brain matures and so do her seizures so to speak. Its not something I like but its something Kirk and I are still coming to terms with. There is NO CURE for Jaqies epilepsy. Thats a hard pill to swallow. I cant imagine the hundreds of seizures shed still be having daily if it wasnt for cannabis. But Im still getting used to the fact that she will always have good days and bad ones. There will always be those future bumps in the road because thats just how life is..especially living with an incurable disease such as epilepsy. Jaqie hasnt been hospitalized in over 9 months for uncontrollable seizures. Thats a blessing. Before cannabis we were in the hospital for days at a time at least twice a month. Im thankful I was able to get Jaqies seizures under control the other day with out a trip to the ER. And I did that with 6.5mg of THC. Jaqie weighs 25 pounds so thats a lot for her age and weight but just enough to knock all seizures completely out for a good 6 hr period and it gave her brain a chance to relax. She has been great ever since :) My point is that I didnt know what to do really. The emergency diazepam I had given her did not work...and 2 hrs later I wasnt about to stand by and watch any more. I took a chance because cannabis doesnt come with a hand book but the facts are that even if it didnt help her I knew it couldnt hurt her. That made me comfortable enough to just try pure THC... Before I found that an extra dose of 10:1 would help her a lot but over time it has become less effective. Pure THC was a lifesaver this time and it will be our first defense against horrible seizure flares from now on. I have to share this with ALL parents so you know that CBD ONLY is bull crap. And THC has been an amazing treatment in conjunction with CBD to treat Jaqies severe epilepsy. THC is not harmful and it may be the answer for some of you guys who arent having much success with CBD only. Im just saying from first hand experience, CBD ONLY seems like a huge scam to me. Do not be afraid of THC. Dont be afraid!! If any one has any other questions feel free to ask in the comments below ♡ Other than that Jaqie is back to her playful old self and couldnt be feeling better. Thanks for all your love and prayers!
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 21:31:03 +0000

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