Looking Forward in the Land of the Rising - TopicsExpress


Looking Forward in the Land of the Rising Son eyeofsiloam/Pax/EclipticSouthSide.html John 9:1-5 (The need for Christed cosmic vision is identified.) And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. John 9:6-7 (The place of Christed vision is identified.) When he had thus spoken, he spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay, and said unto him, Go, wash in the pool of Siloam, (which is by interpretation, Sent.) He went his way therefore, and washed, and came seeing. Now that the Cosmic Abyss has come into view it is time to witness the Wandering Stars for they carry the Voice of God in dynamic form. Because they move across the heavens on the road in Jerusalem, we can infer intent in their placements and their movements. This is the Word of God transformed into astrology. However, before we can speak with the voice of the planets, we must come to the realization that tropical astrology is a Lost Science. It speaks, not of the stars, but of the sages of ancient stars who rationalized the Merchant Road after the Exodus and erased all the asterisms that give voice to the planets. What is about to be said is not what is commonly called astrology because what is called astrology is just graffiti on the heavenly road. The graffiti has messages, but if those messages contradict the placements of the planets in the stars, then the messages do not represent Cosmic Synchronicity. Instead, they represent rational addiction caused by the desire for self righteousness and indolence coupled with arrogant self knowledge. When approaching life, we must remove the mirror from before our face and the Ipod head phones from our ears so that we are a vessel of reception of things yet unknown. We must choose to learn if we are to grow in experience and knowledge. Zohar, Sol Invictus, Sol-o-Man, the Masters of Time Two thousand years ago the sages of the heavens attempted to prepare the coming of a New Age when the vernal sun came to Pisces. But, the prior age of Aries was so arrogant, as is the nature of Aries, that the sages would not step down. The sages who were attuned to the heavens also knew that the Age of Pisces would be the ultimate test of human endurance in a wealth of self knowledge. The age of belief represented chaos to the age of self assurance, and the children of Aries detested the younger sibling on the road of Jacobs children. The followers of Sol Invictus and Solomon gathered forces to defeat the coming of a New Age in the arrogant belief that they, the Aryan children of Israel, were the cause of the stars and the essence of the I Am. There was a far deeper concern than simple arrogance. Pisces represented death of the I Am in a sacrificial bonding. The spirit of the Israelites was to come out of the Land of Bondage in Taurus when their houses were marked by the blood of the Lamb. The Back to the Future history they created allowed them to cross the Reed Sea of Hathor, that is Pisces, without getting wet. Remember now the tribulations of Job and the Behemoth within himself. Job 40:15 & 19 Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. The only way out of Aries is by self sacrifice. That is how the tropical astrologers who nailed the Vernal Equinox to the trees of the seasons maintained control of the desolation of Jerusalem. They stopped the precession of the equinoxes to preserve the I Am. Those who witnessed the Last Passover Meal when the vernal equinox hit the east line of Pisces understood that the King of the Jews was a Lord of the Past and the lords of the House of the Ram had placed lambs blood on the lintels of a house falsely identified by the 1st of Aries rather than the 1st of the Fishers of Men. Exodus 12:1-7 And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt saying, this month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an house: And if the household be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls; every man according to his eating shall make your count for the lamb. Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats: And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. Exodus 12:12-14 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD. And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. The first born of Egypt are the Children of Taurus. At the death of these Sons of Egypt, the lintels and posts of the vernal sun marked the Houses of the Children of the Lamb. What is clearly stated in Exodus 12:14 is that the House of the I Am will remain the House of the Lord of the Vernal Sun for ever. To break this tradition would mean the end of Jerusalem and the closing of the back door of the House of the I Am, which is the front door of the I Believe. In all the ages of the precession, it is only the Children of Aries that sought to prevent all the other siblings of the Houses of the Vernal Sun from having their day. Why? It is because the loss of self identity in a world where reincarnation and resurrection are blasphemy means that the individual perishes in perdition. The fear of death dominated the descendants of Eves Seth because they had a collective memory of what had been done to the brother of Nuts Seth. The guilt within the souls of the Aryas for having devastated the house of the ancestors meant that the doors of the houses of the descendants would forever be marked by the blood of the I Am. This is the toxic faith of Job. Carl Jung spoke of an Answer to Job in reference to the Gospels. But, Jung failed to see the Lamb between Taurus and Pisces. The Nazarene had to come if the science of the precession taught by the Egyptians from the time of the pyramid construction and Nefer-Rohus prophesy and deep into the primordial soul of humanity was cosmic reality. The Mesopotamians had come to a belief in the Trepidation of the Equinoxes where they oscillated back and forth within Aries and Libra. These peoples of the Tigris and Euphrates were dedicated to rational principles of order, as witnessed in the Code of Hammurabi. As a result the Cosmic Deity placed Aries at the door of spring and Libra at the door of autumn to assure the birth of the I Am in the spring and the Judgment Day at the harvest. It was illogical to the Mesopotamians that the Creator would perform the irrational act of placing spring in the House of Celestial Fishermen and the harvest in the House of Celestial Virgins. Nevertheless, the cosmic turtle moved and the world turned and the vernal equinox struck the east line of Pisces in 30 AD. The sons of Mesopotamia held onto the Trepidation of the Equinoxes until the Persians were defeated by the Byzantines in the early seventh century. Within a matter of decades the Mesopotamians had a new cult that accepted the Land of the Seventy Two Virgins and rejected the Houses of the Sun. The astrology of the Zoroastrians was utterly destroyed by the rise of Islam. During its first 300-400 years this new Cosmic Faith reverted to Lunacy for Time and created another Back to the Future history for the idyllic Islam, which was like Akhetaten in many ways. The vignette of Akhenaten and Nefertiti carries the same spirit of revelation from the Almighty as Muhammad imparted upon the Children of Islam, for Muhammad married a merchants widow and his sacred science came down from the heavens. The sacred science of Sacred Islam is still quite evident because of the vast majority of the stars that carry Arabic names. The Christian Crusades hampered Islam, but it was the Mongol Hordes that destroyed the Sanctity of Islam. To this day the peoples of Islam are burden by the trauma of the Mongol Lords and the repressed fear of the slaughter in Baghdad still drives their instincts for survival. The Synchronicity of the founding of Islam is that it too marks its First Time at a line of the fishes, only it is the west line with a circlet of seven stars. The ancient legends tell us that the west line of Pisces was the magic wand of Seshat, the goddess of rational conception who told Thoth what to write. This was the perfect place to create the Word of Allah and the new Thoth would be Muhammad, and the giver of the wand would be Gabriel, the messenger sent from God. Of the four vernal equinoxes marked in the chart above, it is the one that identifies the Horus of Two Horizons at Akhetaten that still rules the minds that create the Sacred Sciences of Western Civilization. That is the current vernal equinox! The Persians identified the merchants widow as the Queen of Sheba, and the hapless man chosen to replace Akhenaten was Muhammad. Neither of these men, nor the interloper Moses, were men of learned voice. Yet, what they spoke was sweet music to the maternal ears of the children of their great nations. Another divine man came with the voice of God when the vernal equinox approached the Roman Lance. He claimed to be the Messianic Truth. But, the ancients knew that the cosmic time of the Messiah was not at hand. Nevertheless, this messianic vision of truth converted water to wine and on his last day he answered the first question of Re, Is it water? As he ascended to the clouds he left a message regarding the return of truth to the forsaken Earth. The message he left upon the Earth answered the second question of Re, Is it fire? All the great messianic voices since the vernal sun entered Egypt have harmoniously chimed, I will come when the time is now. All the Divine Men of Egypt knew where the Key of Heaven came down to Earth, and in word pictures they showed the children where to find the truth. It was the Crucified One who told them all where to look for the Key of Heaven. Revelation 20:1 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. The advent of the Followers of Moses shows a clear reluctance to accept their neighbors, for they were a peculiar treasure unto me (God) above all people: for all the earth is mine. The advent of the Followers of Muhammad showed great tolerance for the peoples of the book as the Word of God came down to the children of Islam from Gabriel, the messenger of the stars with the Key of Heaven. However, the collective unconscious of the Mesopotamians was dramatically against the maternal nature of God, as it had been since the Exodus from India. Neither of these Back to the Future cults acknowledges the necessity of the Death of the I Am. A woman in childbirth knows, Its not about Me! The Christian Messiah demonstrated that the Divine Man must die to ascend into heaven after being bound to the Tree of Life. And by example, his message was a statement that the ill done at the end of ones life does not out weigh the value given to life during the days of youthful seeking when the spirits of the Divine come to live within the mortal being. God does not save the sinner. God saves the goodness that is written in the stars of those who are forgiven. The Book of the Dead from Egypt reveals the necessity for darkness to consume the world and that was where Osiris was empowered with the remembrance of Re. The Egyptians knew that Isis had tricked the Creator by placing a beast under his foot that caused Re great illness as he cried out, Is it water? Is it fire? When Isis attempted to reincarnate Osiris she found all of his parts except the phallus. Freud would claim that Isis purposely looked the other way due to penis envy when she found the sacred phallus. The legends of Egypt claim that the phallus was consumed by a large fish called Oxyrhynchus. The high probability exists that the lowly Oxyrhynchus was the celestial Sea Monster in Cetus, for its celestial shape and spirit are associated with self creation and self destruction. The answer in Job was self destruction followed by self creation in the fashion of the Phoenix. This is the spirit of Pisces, however, the stars of Pisces were the Reeds of Egypt. It was in these reeds that Hathor gave birth to Re and Isis gave birth to Horus after the demise of the paternal spirit of the aboriginal being. On the west side of the east reed lay the Key of Heaven, and the test of Hathor and her daughter Isis was to prove that consciousness has the power of cognition. Many have seen or heard of the Key of Heaven, but few have chosen to reach for it and accept the hand up of the Heavenly Host who reaches down for the sake of saving lost souls. The Egyptians went to great lengths to connect the celestial asterisms to physical entities before creating the mythical metaphors of man and beast. Thus, the Egyptian Ichthus represents a primordial Greek Ichthus that became the Christian Ichthus. The Christian Ichthus is undoubtedly the Phallus of Osiris for the mother of Christ was a Virgin and the Mother of God. The celestial metaphor in the restructuring of the Behemoth in Job 40:15 & 19 is answered by the Christian Ichthus in the form of Pisces Austrinis, the fish, which is in the Abyss at the pole of the fisherman (Sculptor) who lies under Pisces and Cetus in the Pool of Siloam. The Christian Back to the Future book recreates the Aborigine Heavens as the Messiah of Christianity is the Father of God born of the Mother of God. In effect, the Gospels become a Forward to the Past book of prophesies in direct contradiction to the Torah and the Quran, but in alignment with the Book of the Dead and the Horus of Two Horizons. In this way, the icon of Capricorn is transfigured into a fish-goat as the Christ is reborn, for he was born when the sun rested in the sign of unified mind and body and legends say he calmed the wind and the waves. The Temple to Hathor has the icon of Capricorn shown as Cetus on the pronaos ceiling and on the ceiling of the Osiris Chapel. The icons of Capricorn are shown after a death scene by beheading and the essence of Capricorn is reincarnation by utilizing the physical-mental elements (water-earth, Cetus-Capricorn) to transform the inspired rationality of the Sacrificial Lamb (fire-air, Aries). The apocalypse of this reincarnation of the Sacred Cow has the stars of the Hyades of Taurus with Horus, the Son of Hathor, reentering the state of his mothers flesh through the minds eye at the forehead of a bovine incarnation. (See previous image.) The transition is to the Two Faced Sagittarius that has the remembrance (tail = tale) of the seven hobbles of Mother Time that were on the last leg of the bovine Hathor. In this way the Mother of God comes to the place of salvation at the hour of death and gains sight as one born blind. The Janus nature of Sagittarius and the transfiguration of the archer as a centaur represents a celestial metaphor for the union of spirit and substance in a transubstantiation of the immaterial and material creation through cosmic wisdom. The combination of the dual natures of Capricorn and Sagittarius represents the union of body and mind and the union of matter and spirit. This is the Light of the Apocalypse as wisdom (Sagittarius) gets on board the Boat of the Sun. In so doing, the Chief of the Ways of God is turned around to go in the direction of the Rising Sun as the Son of God Rises on Eagles Wings. In this way the Eye of Hathor loses its tears and becomes the Eye of Re as the Mother of Re gives everlasting light to her son. As mortals, we are first incarnate on the Earth, and when the journey on Earth has ended, we are inspirit on the Firmament of the Heavens for all who chose to rise above the blindness of birth to witness life as it was intended to be. The Books of the Old Testament and the Books of the New Testament present the journey around the heavens in the direction of precession. The Quran, by design, has the same precessional journey focused upon the events at the Temple Mount. The mythical night journey of Muhammad guided by Andromeda on the celestial Pegasus takes a shortcut to the Kingdom of Heaven directly above the Temple of Solomon to Cepheus and across to Virgo and the Land of the 72 Virgins, which is Heaven Above. Like Elijah, Muhammad leaves on a fiery chariot as an example of salvation for the Fathers Sons of later generations as they hope to make the trip to the Land of the 72 Virgins after enduring 50,000 years of death. The 72 Virgins are code for the 72 cycles of precession measured as 360 years per cycle (72 * 360 = 25,920), and the 50,000 years of death can be correlated to the length of time humans took to inquire of the heavens and find the Chief of the Ways of the God in the sea beneath the Key of Heaven that is the Key of the Bottomless Pit. In the hand with a great chain the angel of Revelation 20:1, as seen through the celestial eyes of Muhammad, held the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The merchants wife (Cassiopeia) whom Muhammad married is the widow of Chronos, who sits as Cepheus above the rock in the middle of the temple. On the day the Dome of the Rock was constructed (685-691 CE) the axis of the Milky Way sat upon the zenith in Jerusalem and Akhetaten was the Horizon of Al Asqa. To this day the Hajj is performed as a journey around the Kaaba in the cycle of Andromeda around the Great Square within the celestial wall of the Temple of Solomon to which was bound the mare of the night, Al Buraq, that took Muhammad from Jerusalem to Seventh Heaven. The axis of the galaxy is at Coma Berenices, which was the Elysian Field of Egypt, and every participant at the Hajj is thereby an Encircler of the Field in the tradition of Akhenaten and the Pharaohs of Egypt as recorded by Nefer-Rohu in a fable to Pharaoh Snefru in 2780 BCE before the pyramids at Giza became a dream. This confirms that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, are religions of the Peoples of the Book, and the same kind of illustrations will demonstrate that the Rig Veda, the Popol Vuh, and the Book of Mormon identify with the same Passages. But, most important regarding the present astrological interpretations and addictive dependencies, the Peoples of the Book had spent 3,000 years in Egypt with Osiris before the genocide during the Exodus succeeded in putting out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven with the sword of Joshua. The actions of putting out of the star lights of Amalek and the hiding of the Oxyrhynchus Fish reveals the intent of the Exodus as the man taken from the waters, Moses, became the leader of the Wandering Stars. His desire was to save his own kind. It is this desire that has plagued the peculiar treasure that is those who seek the Bow that rests in the Cloud over the Earth. When seekers of wisdom and truth destroy the memories of their ancestors, they are not only a peculiar treasure, they are a Lost Tribe of Judea. The Great Paradigm Shift that is upon us today is the restoration of Egypt so that the Temple of Solomon can have a foundation upon which it can rise again. This idea of precession as the forward direction of time is crucial to the coming Paradigm Shift. We cannot enter the Age of Aquarius by back sliding as would be the case if we accept the forward direction as that being synchronous with the movements of the planets. After all, the planets are falling into the Sun in their left handed ways. Most importantly, we cannot accept that the vernal equinox is at the 1st of Aries. That condition does not honor the ancestors, as many scientists claim. What it does is destroy the potential for cosmic Synchronicity by a genocide of Cosmic Proportions. This is the answer to Job that Carl Jung did not find in the Gospels. Christ is identified as the Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last. Being a Nazarene—as in sucker root of the Tree of Life—rather than Pisces, the Christ provides the root structure that will restore the Tree of Life from the ashes of the Phoenix. The Alpha and Omega is the place where the vernal sun stops on its way into the abyss under the Stars of Heaven and turns around and begins to rise. The turning point occurred in October 1998 according to analysis presented at Siloam.net. The precise date, whether 1998, 2012, or even 2378, is of less importance than the fact that the destiny of the vernal sun is to rise for the next thirteen millennia. This was the central theme of the cult of Akhenaten that denied the resurrection of Osiris. The Navel of the World, and the Horus of Two Horizons, Akhetaten, and the symbols worn by the Amarna royals all point to the place where the Vernal Sun begins to rise as the metaphor for the primordial moment of creation. It is a metaphor that places the Stars of Heaven completely around the City of God that was Akhetaten. Note the crown of Eleven Suns in the Menorah on the head of Tut. The final Sun would not be lit until the end of the Age of Pisces when the vernal equinox began to rise back up to the plane of the Milky Way. Behind Tuts wife, Ankhnespaaten who wears the crown of Amun are the benevolent hands of the Aten. The cartouches to the left of the crown of Tut are his names as Tutankhaten and Tutankhamen. But, the chilling revelation on Tuts throne, from which the image comes, is his two left hands and his pulled back right foot without a sandal. His wife stands eye to eye before him, yet, she has a left and a right hand with a sandal on her forward right foot. With both feet on the ground, she is the Queen of Sheba, the Teacher of Righteousness, and she is putting finishing touches on a New Age God Made By A Woman. Male and Female created She him! This is crucial to understanding the Exodus and the Christian and Islamic religions that followed. The cult of the Aten was the Cult of the Benevolent Light. The essence of the Aten is the same as the primordial monotheistic concepts of the God of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, with the maternal benevolence being back pedaled by the subsequent monotheistic religions. Monotheism began by making the Universal God in the Image of Man through the acts of a woman. Even Muhammad rode to 7th Heaven on a beast with the face of a woman. In fact, all gods are created in the Image of Man in the same manner, for intuition always precedes rationalization. This is not to say they are fanciful, as would be the claim of atheism, which is without imagination. Rather it is a case of the Son of God revealed by the Father of God by the example of a Divine Man prepared by a Teacher of Righteous, who is the Divine Woman. It is not appropriate to throw out all intuition, as with Judaism, Islam, and Atheism, nor is it appropriate to assume that all intuition is the pure Word of God, as is the tradition of Christianity. The throne of Isis was prepared for the passive lord when he was fully prepared to become a sensitive King of Kings as opposed to a tyrant without intuitive skills. If man cannot become One with God, then man is a mere puppet and free will is simply bondage to fate established at the moment of the First Time. Creating a Divine Being from the flesh of a widow after conception by a father beyond life is extremely heady stuff. It is the stuff of Kings and Popes and Pharaohs. If the creator of the god is also the bearer of the shield of the god, meaning personal responsibility, then the creation is self supporting. If the creator of the god is not the bearer of the shield of the god and retains authority over the god but not responsibility for the god after creation, then the consequences are dire. The god so created will be dependent upon belief in the benevolence of an external being as a child is dependent upon a maternal breast. The dire consequences result because the emotional body must be prepared for the sacrifice required of a Divine Human. That sacrifice is the death of the I Am in mortal form, the Jesus, and the acceptance of the I Am in immortal form, the Christ. This is the Answer to Job. Human Civilizations must be capable of multiple paradigms within an Holistic and Alert Universe. Individuals humans can be warriors for a specific passage, but the Key to Heaven is to sacrifice the personal passage (Aries) and accept the passages that represent the ascension of universal wisdom and truth, as the way, the truth, and the life of the Son of God. When this occurs the result is Cognition of the Christ in the reincarnated form called recognition. It is necessary to step back and let the idea of Divine Human fully develop in a real world situation to understand why it became devastating in the course of human civilization. It implied the Amarna period and the transitional period during the creation of King Tut was a time when the people of Egypt had no direct responsibility for their own fate. That is the essence of totalitarianism on earth as decreed by heaven. In the vignette of Akhenaten and Nefertiti, his purpose was to tell the children what they wanted to hear in accordance with her silent instruction. The throne of Tut shows that she takes a more assertive roll and he a more passive roll. This example transfers strength from the men to the women and gives men a justifiably passive roll. This is the reality of Hatshepsut in creating Thothmose IV (King David). The children of Egypt listened to what they wanted to hear because for over 50 years there had been no significant wars. The average life expectancy was less that the 50 years of peace and the people of Egypt would not arbitrarily deny the living gods their right to be benevolent toward the people. When it became apparent that the idyllic realm of Akhetaten did not measure up in the reality of the times, the royals and their priests assumed that the fault was belief in non-benevolent gods. The cure to the non-benevolent dependencies problem was banishment of the false gods in the greatest temple purging in the history of mankind. Like the Bolshevik Revolution in the early 20th Century Russia and the Cultural Revolution of Mao Zedong in China in the late middle 20th Century and the bailout mentality of the current effeminate congress in America, the late 18th Dynasty Egyptians were forced into dependency on a central authority perceived as a Great Provider. The central authority was the Queen of Sheba oriented royals and priests of Egypt who denied war and individual responsibility on idealistic spiritual grounds; Aten would provide. Maternal righteousness brought Egypt to devastation because the Divine Man was a puppet bound by maternal dependencies at the navel of their collective unconscious in a psychological regression of cosmic proportions. The consequence of such arrogance was genocide and the followers of Moses, who came from the ranks of the priests of Seth and Aten, carried out the Genocide using the Pentateuch. Job 40:7-14 Gird up thy loins now like a man: I will demand of thee, and declare thou unto me. Wilt thou also disannul my judgment? wilt thou condemn me, that thou mayest be righteous? Hast thou an arm like God? or canst thou thunder with a voice like him? Deck thyself now with majesty and excellency; and array thyself with glory and beauty. Cast abroad the rage of thy wrath: and behold every one that is proud, and abase him. Look on every one that is proud, and bring him low; and tread down the wicked in their place. Hide them in the dust together; and bind their faces in secret. Then will I also confess unto thee that thine own right hand can save thee. Tut had no right hand. This lesson may have been the most significant lesson of the last 5000 years. The trauma and the Synchronicity at the encounter with Aries and Cetus had caused tribulations so great that the ancient sacred sciences became schizophrenic as Western Civilization split the communication that was as above, so below into the irreconcilable bipolarity that is modern religion and science. The political competence of the 18th Dynasty dissolved because there was no Hercules strong enough to stand up to the proverbial Lioness of Righteousness at home and the enemies at the boarders and in the fields prevailed. The result of the theological incompetency in Egypt was the plague that led to the legendary Exodus. The incompetency was identified as false assurance of intuitive communication and the Mother of God was banished from Heaven Above. The 44th presidency of the United States begins on the same idyllic footing as King Tut for the Titans of modern commerce crawl to congress to be nurtured like infants. The Synchronicity is that the American economic system was void of righteousness and deprived of regulatory action during a time of greatest self assurance. These events are evidence of a Great Paradigm Shift today of similar potential as the Exodus of Egypt. That is a story for the age yet to begin and it is the fundamental oracle of the stars of Pax Prentiss. Do we destroy the addicted souls, or do we find a cure for addiction to self assurance? After Tut, the evolution of celestial at-one-ment evolved into Zoroastrian astrology and then Roman astrology as the Republic of Rome devolved into the masculine tyranny of the Roman Empire as the New Babylon of fathers sons. Astrology became a tyrannical message of fate rather than the wisdom of divine benevolence it had once been. Man had fallen and a Messiah became another dependency as the Romans cast lots for his cosmic robe. Material Science derived from the analytical procedures of astrology filled the void and allowed the dependency to perpetuate until the Age of Reason over fifteen centuries later when it was decided that the material sciences of the day had proven that all religious texts were falsehoods or wish fulfillments. Darwinian and Freudian analyses falsely rationalized what the theologies could not reveal and, as Nietzsche said, God is dead. Since man is god, man had fallen into the belly of the beast of the sea of arrogance at the bottom of the world. Again! The following analysis will provide an ancient aborigine perspective of the wandering stars, first as a receiver, and then, as an alternative voice. The important distinction between tropical astrology and what is revealed below is the Synchronicity between the birth stars of Pax Prentiss and the life changing events he experienced. The important distinction between material science and what is revealed is that the receiver implies the existence of a sender and that the sender is the Master of a Cosmic Voice. There is a very profound Synchronicity in the stars and life of Pax Prentiss and the course of Western Civilization, and it is the purpose of this analysis to bring the Eye of Re into the Eye of Hathor as America, indeed the whole world, yields to insatiable dependencies. The drug culture of America is not the problem of one youth, Pax Prentiss, it is the problem that comes when men do not become Sons of God. ON THE ROAD TO THE ELYSIAN FIELD With the understanding that meaning in the cosmos has very strong ties to how one connects the dots, we can read the stories of the Wandering Stars as they traverse the tapestry of the Sacred Science. The interpretation will be dramatically affected by the culture associated with the asterisms, so to avoid an arrogant demise, we should remain cognizant of Job 40:15 & 19. Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee. He is the chief of the ways of God: he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. With the interpretation of time, we must pick a starting location, as was done in Akhetaten and in Exodus 12:1-7. The modern calendar is the Catholic calendar of Gregory XIII. The calendar self adjusts to fix itself to the seasons. Solar dating system now in general use was proclaimed in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII as a reform of the Julian calendar. By the Julian reckoning, the solar year comprised 365 1/4 days. The addition of a leap day every four years was intended to maintain correspondence between the calendar and the seasons; however, a slight inaccuracy in the measurement of the solar year caused the calendar dates of the seasons to regress almost one day per century. By Pope Gregorys time, the Julian calendar was 10 days out of sync with the seasons; in 1582, to bring the vernal equinox (and thus Easter) back to its proper date, 10 days were dropped (October 5 became October 15). Most of Catholic Europe soon adopted the new calendar; Great Britain and its colonies (1752) and Russia (1918) followed much later. The Gregorian calendar differs from the Julian only in that no century year is a leap year unless it is exactly divisible by 400 (e.g., 1600, 2000). A further refinement, the designation of years evenly divisible by 4,000 as common (not leap) years, will keep the calendar accurate to within one day in 20,000 years. The leap year calendar established by Caesar was essentially the Sothis calendar of Egypt that was synchronized by the heliacal rising of the star Sirius (Sothis). This is the Isis star and it is the brightest star in the heavens. But, more remarkably, the proper motion of the star (movement relative to other stars) results in a separation of helical risings of 365.2500 days, or a leap year. The civil calendar of Egypt was 365 days in length. As a result the Sothis calendar closely synchronized to the seasons and precessed through the civil calendar over a cycle of 1461 years. New Years Day on the two calendars would be the same day once every 1461 years. In this way the Solar Deity was bound to a tree as a metaphor for seasonal accounting, while the civil activity was bound to records of days. The seasons being those of the earth, places the tree on earth as the Tree of Life. The legend of Osiris claimed a King of Biblos found his body after it became a tree and was made history. This Tree of Life became a pillar in the Kingdom of Biblos that became the Roman Empire. The cultural process of the Body of Osiris and the Kingdom of Byblos is an ever repeating process of human culture. Ancestral wisdom is rediscovered and it is placed on sacred altars with books proclaiming the future based upon a Back to the Future reading of his story. Returns to historical experience are generally accomplished after traumatic happenstance—Aries > Cetus > Capricorn. Salvation requires a Forward to the Past intuitive reading that processes the genetic wisdom and the collective unconsciousness for future incarnations of her story. When the Second Coming is fulfilled, cognition in the past is reincarnated as recognition of primordial intent. The monuments of Egypt celebrate future reincarnations of past incarnations, as do all monuments. That is why the Great Sphinx faces due east as a maternal Teacher of Righteousness regarding the way things will come to fulfill the primordial intent. The doctrine of the founding fathers of the Church of Rome that replaced the Mithrasian Sol Invictus set their calendar to the End Times of the Kingdom of the Jews and subtracted 30 years to the point where the child on the eagles wings came down to the equator of the earth. On the death of Jesus the vernal equinox sat precisely on the east line of Pisces. In the story of the death of the King of the Jews a Roman soldier tested for life in the body of the King with a spear to his side. That spear is the east line of Pisces and the sacrificial lord is the constellation we call Andromeda. Out of the dead body of the King of the Jews came forth blood and water as the Passion of the Christ began. From that moment on there could be no King of the Jews on Earth because the peculiar treasure in the House of the Lamb had perished from the Earth in spite of all attempts to keep the remembrance of the peculiar treasure spiritually alive in the House of the Nazarene. Man ceased to be Divine and Re was again perplexed by the treachery of Isis; Is it water? Is it fire? Yet, the prophesy of the Aten states that the Divine Man will return when the sun begins to rise every spring on earth and after the cosmic winter solstice in the heavens. The Paradigm Shift of the Age of the Nazarene represents the onset of doubt and faith as belief dominated the collective unconscious of man. The 2000 years have passed and now the Paradigm Shift of the 21st Century is that cognition of Divinity must return to modern man to avoid extinction of civilization. In this way, the consciousness of the past will be revealed by the forward movement of time. The collective unconscious of Western Man knew the wisdom of the parable but the parable was not incarnate until the appropriate passing of time. The Gospels are, therefore, books of Forward to the Past knowledge. The nature of the divine Cognition had left the earth as the Legend of Osiris claimed it would, for it was the collective unconscious that carried the messianic prophesy. In this way Venus inspired the arm of the cosmic messiah of compassionate emotion as the questions of concern to Re were answered through faith, hope, and love. The ancient stars reveal the moment of the Last Passover Meal. The continued celebration of the Passover followed the edict of Exodus 12:14; And this day shall be unto you for a memorial; and ye shall keep it a feast to the LORD throughout your generations; ye shall keep it a feast by an ordinance for ever. With the 1st of Aries locked to the vernal equinox the celebration of Easter would occur on the Sunday that followed the first full moon after the vernal equinox and that would place the Moon in Libra under the feet of Virgo, the wonder in heaven identified in Revelation 12:1-3; And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: and she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. The struggle that began between religion and science during the Davidian Kingdom of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt was to create a New World Order that would last forever. But, what has lasted forever is the confusion of the gods created by man and the man created by the self made gods. The stars of Pax Prentiss reveal the ancient solution to the Big Bang consequences in the stars and the Big Idea consequences in the minds of our ancestors. His stars and his life have demonstrated that profound ancient truth, as above, so below. It is the Synchronicity between Heaven and Earth that must be restored to show that the schizophrenia of Western Civilization is not just cosmic consequence. Rather, it is the result of not rising above cosmic dependencies. We overcome those dependencies by establishing an appropriate balance between Heaven and Earth, as was the message in the birth stars and life experiences of Pax Prentiss. To correspond with the stars at the birth of Pax we will break the full cycle of the ecliptic into three sections, Summer, Spring, and Winter with Autumn, as sectioned and labeled in the chart above. The positions of the birth zenith and birth nadir are shown on the curved meridian line running diagonally from the upper left to the lower right. The sequence summer, spring, winter, autumn represents the downward crossing of the sacred way of the dead in the direction of precession through the heavens of salvation and the return to good judgment that reveals the Field of Happiness and the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the route of all who earn the name, Encircler of the Field. Looking toward the summer solstice we see that Mercury (wisdom) sat directly on the ecliptic meridian of the summer solstice, with Saturn on the foot of the male Gemini, and Mars at the free hand of the female Gemini. Between the galactic equator and the local horizon to the WNW the Sun was preparing to set after the Pleiades in Taurus as the metaphysical Moses followed the daughters of Jethro at his well at the Hyades. To the west was Orion stretching between the Stars of Heaven and the local horizon as if it was his responsibility to ease the stars of heaven to the ground like a curtain. Beyond Mercury above Orion and above the Sun and the Pleiades is the Charioteer, Elijah. This child with a sun sign of Taurus, as in Sacred Bovine, was given the wisdom of a father leaving him and heading to heaven above while time hobbled the man-child and rationality was at the hand of the woman-child in the war with his emotions. The position of Mercury at the summer solstice reveals the wisdom that the summer solstice was just shy of the galactic equator. Thus, the summer solstice was approaching the location that signifies the time of the rising vernal sun. The lance of Horus speaks through the Sun of Pax in 1974 regarding the Sacred Cow who stands upon her last leg. This man-child shall be associated with reincarnation of the Light of the World. Turning to the spring chart we see that Venus sat squarely on the Nazarene that was the Roman lance that pierced the side of the crucified one. Not displayed in Cetus are the Sea Monster, the Fledgling Eagle and the Whale of Jonah. But, the Eye of Hathor reveals that Love (Venus) will experience great tribulation in the crossing of the Reed Sea. However, the position of Jupiter, the Son of Time called Reason, is in the cup of Aquarius, the cosmic Messiah. The implication is that the trials of Venus will be for the sake of compassion, not for Paxs father, but for the potential to save others by virtue of the salvation of Paxs own capacity to reason. The example of Paxs life is what makes his story a means to a cure in others. It is not a theory taught by a book trained mentor. Like the breaking of the bonds of Andromeda the experience of bondage becomes a salvation to others having the same affliction. John 20:18-20 Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the LORD, and that he had spoken these things unto her. Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus and stood in the midst, and saith unto them, Peace be unto you. And when he had so said, he shewed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad, when they saw the LORD. The letters of vernal equinox pass through the Magic Wand of the teacher of Thoth and the messenger from Allah to Muhammad and Mary Magdalene, the Mary of the Tower. The flying steed called Al Buraq (Pegasus) rises above Jupiter on the right (west) side of the wall of the same name. The tears of Hathor and the sacrificial Messiah that smites the rock in the wilderness identifies the Wailing Wall of the followers of Moses. At the base of the wall is Sol-o-mon under the temple of the same name: Job 40:19 he that made him can make his sword to approach unto him. Looking to the winter solstice we see the Father of Many Nations and the child in swaddling cloths the Father is destined to save. Salvation will be coordinated by the Lord of the Seas, Neptune, and the Earth, for they are one under the foot of the Father above the heart of the Great red Dragon. It means that the shadow of the emotions of Pax will be led to proper judgment by the Heavenly Fathers return. This will break the grip of the Great Red Dragon and Unbalanced Desire will become Balanced Desire. At the womb of the Virgin is Uranus, called Heaven and the Father of Time, and the First Father of the wandering stars. The salvation of Pax will come with the rebirth of First Father as his earthly fathers wisdom finally reaches the reasoning sensibilities of his earthly son and heaven is reborn. Chris will lead Pax by the spirit of I Ching to transit the realm between Antinous and Bootes to become a Great Shepherd in his own right. Before the face of the Virgin within the House of Bread sat Pluto. The lord of Hades was in Bethlehem at the Birth of Heaven and Peace (Uranus and Pax). The demon from Hell had taken the birth childs soul because he had an insatiable desire for heaven above. The unfilled desires belong to Pax and his family, but the legacy of his birth was that he would be an encircler-of-the-fields. He traveled through the cosmic abyss without a soul until that day he answered the quest regarding what he needed most that was satisfied by addiction to heroin. On that fateful day the lance of Horus entered the minds eye of Pax when his bovine behavior was on its last leg and he transcended dependencies to become the Light of the World for many lost souls. The Moon rested in the House of Little Virgo under the tail of Leo behind the head of the Virgin in the stars at her crown. The Moon completes this cycle to Hades and back. It is a simple rendering of the birth stars of Pax Prentiss. The theologian and astrologers, no doubt, can add many words and metaphors, some with more value and some with less value. But the greatest value in the birth stars of Pax is the position of the Claws of the Great Red Dragon at the ESE horizon. They declare that the moment of birth certified the ascendency of a balanced man-child. Not a child without dependencies, but a child who would come to balance those dependencies and lead hundreds, and probably thousands of other children bitten by the beast of Revelation 12:3 to overcome addiction and achieve At-One-Ment with the Universal Consciousness. On May 28, 1974 at 07:07:03 PM in Pacific Palisades, California a man-child came free from the womb as the Little King and dreamed of the days when he would rise to be as great as his father, as was the quest of a legendary Prince of Peace and King of the Jews two millennia earlier. And though he desired to be at the Face of God in his race with the dragon by the dependency on immediate gratification, the heavens had a different point of view. The view downward from the heavens showed that the way to the Face of God was through the Behemoth of Job and St. Peters catch. Pax would have to find the Oxyrhynchus Fish that consumed the power of procreation and then pour life giving waters to many who had followed his path by chasing the dragon with the words of Re, Is it water? Is it fire? The Flight Path of Isis passes directly through the nadir axis of the man-child. The trick that Isis played on Re in order to acquire his sacred name was the trick love plays on all physical being. Physical being is water. Love, when applied to physical being inspires it. Thus love is fire. The rational lord cannot distinguish love and emotion and that was how Isis acquired the name of Re, for love is more powerful than any creative mind alone. Addiction is simply the confusion, Is it water? Is it fire? and the solution comes by balanced desire, which is the test of true love. After more than seven years of sobriety, Pax has helped many learned men and women who lovingly pour out water for him, because they see what he has spoken come to pass for them. John 4:14 But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. 1 Corinthians 13:13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. By Looking Forward in the Land of the Rising Son, by the name Pax, we have rediscovered that love is the reason behind all dependencies, for Universal Consciousness so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. We are neither the First, nor the Last, to witness the Flight of Isis when she acquired the name of Re and made love a rational emotion as she acquired the name for God. God is Love. Yet, we are the first generation to witness the stars at the Birth of Pax repeat the eternal refrain. These stars and this man never aligned before, even though the spirit of Peace has been resurrected and reincarnated in the same manner many times before. The greatest gift of fatherhood is to be Looking Forward in the Land of the Rising Son. There is nothing unreal about this story, and yet, it seems almost surreal. Such is the concern of God and Man when Isis suffers them to question, Is it water? Is it fire?
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:32:27 +0000

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