Looking ahead to tomorrows law enforcement professionals and - TopicsExpress


Looking ahead to tomorrows law enforcement professionals and PUPPYCIDE prevention involves looking into choices of career preparation for future law enforcement professionals. Some law enforcement professionals choose attending law enforcement academies and others choose to attend community colleges and universities. Associate and bachelor degrees in criminal justice are sought and obtained by many with career aspirations and advancements in the law enforcement profession. It is important that PUPPYCIDE be brought to the attention of law enforcement academy educators and higher education professionals ie the faculty AND administrators in colleges and universities as well as the governing boards of these institutions. In order for aspiring law enforcement professionals to get the BEST EDUCATION FOR THEIR MONEY, their studies in the disciplines of criminal justice, social sciences, ethics, etc. MUST BE RELEVANT. The curriculum MUST include exposure to social issues such as PUPPYCIDE and law enforcement (1) management, (2) accountability, (3) ethics, (4) unions, etc. Just imagine the research papers students in these fields could produce with exposure to RELEVANT issues and information. Their curriculum should also include exposure to relevant professional information such as contained in publications like The Police Chief magazine and the Sheriff magazine as well as sources such as the United States Department of Justice Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) office. College and university criminal justice graduates MUST have such information networks in place at the time of their graduation and maintain them throughout their law enforcement profession in order to perform to the best of their abilities and in the highest interest of the communities they serve and protect. Criminal Justice Programs by state: criminaljusticeprograms/ Police Academy Directory: policelink.monster/police-academy-directory Ten Steps to Joining the Force: policelink.monster/benefits/10-steps-to-joining-the-force/articles/59/category Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges: agb.org/ Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences: acjs.org/pubs/167_664_2906.cfm The American Academy of Political and Social Sciences: aapss.org/about-the-academy Human-Animal Studies: animalsandsociety.org/pages/human-animal-studies ********************************** NATIONAL FREEZE DONT SHOOT MARCH Saturday, October 25 at 12:00pm in MST ALL STATE CAPITALS WITHIN THE USA Freeze Dont Shoot (FDS) is about ending PUPPYCIDE aka law enforcement officer involved shootings of non-threatening dogs in America. FDS supports training for law enforcement in non-lethal methods of handling dog encounters. A hands on training course with standardized curriculum has proven to work in many areas. https://facebook/events/1506079356295175/?ref=3&ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular PUPPYCIDE PREVELANCE HumanityForOthers Video1 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=T-YZcBq5BJY HumanityForOthers Video2 in memory of PUPPYCIDE victims not in Video1 youtube/watch?v=kXTmlZvXxv8 Pages with Links to Facebook pages of PUPPYCIDE victims cops-shooting-dogs.blogspot/p/fb-cause-pages.html AND https://facebook/notes/695738733833790/ Link to Freeze Dont Shoot Colorado post regarding Unnamed/Unidentified PUPPYCIDE victims: https://facebook/groups/FreezeDontShoot.CO/permalink/812837158751106/ PUPPYCIDE Stats by State for the past 4 years: https://facebook/JusticeForLacy/notes The PUPPYCIDE page from Animal Voices includes links to PUPPYCIDE publications from professional law enforcement sources and national animal welfare organizations: animal-voices/puppycide/ Dogs Shot by Police Facebook Page: https://facebook/DogsShotbyPolice Webpage with links to numerous PUPPYCIDE articles furbyshouse/Dogs-Shot-By-Police.html It may be the dog lovers of America who touched off a movement to rein in the strong-arm tactics that have accompanied the militarization of the countrys police forces... Days of law enforcement getting away with strong-arm and often deadly tactics in the name of maintaining safety and order are coming to an end. mysanantonio/opinion/commentary/article/Pets-often-victims-in-police-raids-5472272.php ********************************** Albuquerque Police Chief Says Dept is “Stuck” with Officers Who “Shouldn’t be on the Force.” In a shockingly honest and refreshing interview with USA Today, Albuquerque Police Chief Eden stated, “I believe there are people on the force who shouldn’t be on the force,” and admitted that they may be stuck with those dangerous officers; thanks to police unions making discipline for past actions extremely difficult. Read more at thefreethoughtproject/albuquerque-police-chief-dept-stuck-officers-shouldnt-force/#tgIGVbt8hirRXjej.99 AN IMPEDIMENT TO POLICE ACCOUNTABILITY? AN ANALYSIS OF STATUTORY LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS’ BILLS OF RIGHTS (2005) by Kevin N. Keenan and Samuel Walker - The most important question, examined in this article, is whether any [ Law Enforcement Officers Bills of Rights (“LEOBORs”)] provisions impede the effective investigation of alleged officer misconduct and consequently militate against the principle of police accountability … American police officers, acting through their collective bargaining representatives, have succeeded in gaining a special layer of employee due process protections when faced with investigations for official misconduct. Commonly called Law Enforcement Officers Bills of Rights (“LEOBORs”),1 these protections are codified in the laws of fourteen states ... No other group of public employees enjoys equivalent legislation related to disciplinary matters, and the provisions of some LEOBORs grant police officers more specific protections than are provided other public employees in federal, state or local civil service laws samuelwalker.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/POBillsofRights.pdf March 2012: EMERGING USE OF FORCE ISSUES: Balancing Public and Officer Safety - Report from the International Association of Chiefs of Police/COPS Office Use of Force Symposium: “ … the level of accountability is far different for officers when approaching in-service training—as they do not fear failure or loss of job based on poor performance during these exercises...” theiacp.org/portals/0/pdfs/emerginguseofforceissues041612.pdf Police Accountability Organizations: NACOLE is a national professional association of staff and Board members of citizen oversight agencies. Members also include academic experts, law enforcement officials, elected public officials and community activists. nacole.org/ samuelwalker.net/issues/organizations-police-accountability/ United States Oversight Agency Websites: nacole.org/resources/u-s-oversight-agency-websites/ Dr. Samuel Walker, University of Nebraska at Omaha, is a widely quoted expert on issues of civil liberties, policing and criminal justice policy, is an expert in technology to identify troubled officers and one of the books hes written is Police Accountability: The Role of Citizen Oversight. samuelwalker.net/issues/citizen-oversight-of-the-police/. In his student days, Walker was an active participant in the civil rights movement. He was a volunteer in the historic Mississippi “Freedom Summer” in 1964 to help register black voters in the state. One of his fellow activists in a voter registration training session was Andrew Goodman, who, along with Mickey Schwerner and James Chaney, was murdered at the very beginning of the project summer by members of the Ku Klux Klan (with the complicity of local police). Recent article that mentions Dr. Walker: newsmax/SciTech/Policing-Police-trouble-officers/2014/09/04/id/592522/ 2013 Brennan Center for Justice publication titled “National Security and Local Police” by Michael Price, “Losing the trust of its community is easy for a police department that strays far from its longstanding mission of serving the public. This can be counterproductive for both crime fighting and counterterrorism...” The Brennan Center for Justice at the New York University School of Law is a nonpartisan law and policy institute that seeks to improve our systems of democracy and justice. brennancenter.org/sites/default/files/publications/NationalSecurity_LocalPolice_web.pdf Police Killings Databases: CNN – 8-27-2014: “Why Isnt There a an Official Database on Police Killings?” thelead.blogs.cnn/2014/08/27/reporter-2-years-collecting-data-police-killings/ Two companies tracking police killings: 1. Fatal Encounters: fatalencounters.org COP Block Article re Fatal Encounters: copblock.org/68961/fatal-encounters-tracks-killings-by-police-employees/ 2. Deadspin: regressing.deadspin/were-compiling-every-police-involved-shooting-in-americ-1624180387?utm_campaign=socialflow_deadspin_twitter&utm_source=deadspin_twitter&utm_medium=socialflow ********************************** Here are links to FIVE law enforcement organizations and their press releases / videos regarding PUPPYCIDE aka Officer Involved Dog Shootings in their respective jurisdictions, Idaho, Colorado, California, Utah and Michigan. Some could be considered examples of what NOT to do: 1. Idaho: Video interview regarding Officer Involved Dog Shootings Video ktvb/on-tv/viewpoint/March-16----Officer-involved-dog-shootings-250677721.html from Filer, Idaho FB page https://facebook/badcopfiler, FB page: https://facebook/badcopfiler Dash Cam VIDEO (WARNING: GRAPHIC): nydailynews/news/national/idaho-kills-dog-yards-birthday-party-article-1.1609642 2. Colorado: Document posted by the Colorado Fraternal Order of Police on October 8, 2013, fourteen (14) month prior to the deadline for compliance with the Colorado Dog Protection Act (the “DPA”) and nine (9) months prior to deadline for completion of the DPA training video: (coloradofop.org/index.cfm?zone=%2Funionactive%2Fview_article.cfm&homeID=276662). Chloe FB page: https://facebook/JusticeForChloeRIP Youtube video (WARNING: GRAPHIC) of Colorado dog, Chloe, shot multiple times while on the catch pole of animal control officer. youtube/results?search_query=commerce+city+dog+chloe&sm=3 Press releases / posts of the CO FOP issued prior to passage of Colorado’s DPA accused the Colorado citizenry its members serve of having a LYNCH MOB MENTALITY (blogs.westword/latestword/2013/01/dog_shooting_commerce_city_lynch_mob.php) and “UNTRAINED EYE OR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF FACTUAL DETAILS” (coloradofop.org/index.cfm?zone=%2Funionactive%2Fview_article.cfm&HomeID=268778#.UPRZFRHoqsQ.facebook). 3. California: WATCH THE VIDEO OF HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA POLICE CHIEFS MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC IN THIS LINK -- youll need to scroll down until you see the video theblaze/stories/2013/07/04/cops-who-shot-and-killed-mans-dog-in-front-of-him-are-pulled-from-street-duty-but-its-not-what-you-think/ FB page: Justice for Max: https://facebook/pages/Justice-for-Max-the-Rottweiler-Murdered-by-Hawthorne-Police/139654549566394?ref=ts&fref=ts WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO youtube video of the last minutes of Max’s life - had 4.5 MILLION hits in just 7 days: youtube/watch?v=WDBZr4ie2AE 4. Utah: July 9, 2014 Post on PUPPYCIDE Victim Geists FB page re: Transcript of Salt Lake City PD Press Conference lybio.net/slcpd-press-conference-chief-burbank-addresses-investigation-of-officer-involved-shooting-of-a-dog/news-politics/ Personally, I am EXTREMELY DISCOURAGED with the APPARENT LACK OF MANAGEMENT SKILLS OF THE SALT LAKE CITY POLICE CHIEF. He did not, in my opinion, handle this press conference in an appropriate and professional manner. My personal rating scale for this performance on the issues involved, a rating of 1 BEING VERY BAD AND 10 BEING VERY STRONG: PUPPYCIDE - a NEGATIVE 50 TURNING UNTRAINED (IN NON-LETHAL METHODS OF HANDLING DOG ENCOUNTERS) OFFICERS LOOSE ON THE LAW ABIDING CITIZENRY - a NEGATIVE 50 COMMUNITY RELATIONS a 0 Loyalty to Officers - a 50+ Intimidation of Citizenry that Pays His Salary a 50+ Missing Child Issue raised by the PUPPYCIDE case of Geist (child was sleeping in the basement of his own home and was not found by police) a 2 Justice for Geist Facebook page: https://facebook/JusticeforGeist 5. Michigan The PUPPYCIDE case of Lexie was not handled appropriately and has resulted in the filing of a Federal lawsuit. Here is the link to video of the St. Clair Shores, Michigan 7-21-2014 City Council Meeting and it includes information re: MICHIGAN PUPPYCIDE VICTIM LEXIE. Citizens speaking on behalf of Lexie begin at about time mark 40 minutes, give or take. There are 6 citizens that speak 2 minutes each and they are EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE!! Mayor speaks regarding Lexie case at beginning: ci.saint-clair-shores.mi.us/MediaCenter.aspx?CID=SCS-Council-Meeting-Archive-7 Justice for Lexis Facebook page: https://facebook/Justice4Lexie
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 21:22:34 +0000

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