Looking at Romans 8:14 again it reads:For as many as are led by - TopicsExpress


Looking at Romans 8:14 again it reads:For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,these are the sons[huios]of God.We can see clearly that it is the mature sons who are led by the Spirit of God.Immature Christians are less likely to follow the leading of the Spirit of God.Most often they react or respond emotionally or intellectually to circumstances they face.They have not yet learned to act only on the Spirit of Gods leading.As Addison grows,he will progress in character development.The more mature he becomes,the more responsibility I will entrust to him.It is wrong for him to stay immature.It is not Gods will that we remain babies.One way the character of my son Addison has grown is by facing difficult situations.When he started school he met up with somebullies.I heard some of the things these rough kids were doing and saying to my son,and I wanted to go and deal with it.But I knew that would be wrong.For me to intervene would hinder Addisons growth.So my wife and I continued to counsel him at home,preparing him to face the persecutions at school.He grew in character through obeying our counsel in the midst of his suffering.This is similar to what God does with us.The Bible says,Though He[Jesus]was a Son[Huios],yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered(Heb 5:8,emphasis added).Physical growth is a function of time.No two-year-old child has ever been six feet tall.Intellectual growth is a function of learning.Spiritual growth is a function of neither time nor learning,but it is a function of obedience.BY JOHN BEVERE.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 14:28:26 +0000

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