Looking at the Autoimmune Summit going on right now and I hear - TopicsExpress


Looking at the Autoimmune Summit going on right now and I hear this from one of the doctors (Dr. Wahls) on the summit: And with this low fat craze that we have, many, many people have become so fat-starved that their cell membranes are suffering and the mitochondria are suffering as a result. This is the kind of nonsense still perpetuated by low carb gurus. Shame on any doctor that promotes this sort of pseudoscience about how people have health issues because of the low fat craze and being fat starved. Want to know why this is a fallacy? 1) THERE IS NO LOW-FAT CRAZE CURRENTLY IN EXISTENCE. It is widely accepted now among nutrition professionals, physicians, weight loss physicians and the general public, that fat is not a devil nutrient. In fact, if anything, the general public is now in the LOW-CARB craze, and they think fat is healthy while carbs/sugar/insulin makes you sick and fat. And yet, people like this Dr. Wahls are still speaking as if its the 1980s and everyone still is in the low-fat craze. Very odd. 2) WE WERE NEVER EATING A LOW-FAT DIET. Even more importantly, there was no real low-fat craze! Yes, there were low-fat guidelines that came out several decades ago and were endorsed by scientists and physicians. But--and thats a very big but--the general public never actually did lower their fat intakes! What the data show is that in the U.S., we eating a HIGH FAT diet prior to obesity epidemic, and even after the low-fat recommendations from the authorities were given, we CONTINUED to eat a high fat diet. This is a simple fact. So there was no low-fat craze and there arent masses of people with mitochondria suffering from being starved of fat. In fact, the U.S. has historically had, and continues to have, a very high fat intake relative to countless other countries who have far less obesity and health issues and who eat far LESS--not more--fat. This notion of people being fat starved is pure nonsense. And if you dont believe me, then believe Dr. David Katz--director of Yales Prevention Research Institute--who says: We never followed the advice we got (to lower our fat intake). Instead, the advice was distorted and--if I may be brutally honest-- perverted. We started eating Snackwell cookies and, oh, by the way--NEVER EVEN REDUCED OUR FAT INTAKE! The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data at the time revealed this: percent of total calories from fat in the typical American diet went down NOT because we reduced our fat intake, but because we increased our total calorie intake, adding all of the newly tempting low-fat junk foods we allowed ourselves to believe we could eat limitlessly, and with impunity. huffingtonpost/david-katz-md/diet-and-nutrition_b_4755777.html _____________________________________________ If you want to listen to a doctor on the subject of nutrition, please keep in mind that M.D.s typically receive a grand total of ZERO courses on nutrition in medical school--they are most definitely NOT experts on the subject of nutrition, and most in fact, are clueless about nutrition. If you want to listen to one of the few MDs who actually knows their stuff on nutrition, I would suggest reading the work of Dr. David Katz. This is a good place to start: huffingtonpost/david-katz-md/diet-and-nutrition_b_4755777.html
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 21:01:53 +0000

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