Looking back through the span of time our history we see effects, - TopicsExpress


Looking back through the span of time our history we see effects, which are ever so randomly numerous, having profound outcomes in the fabric of our solidity creating rippling change in the future; changes that erode our security, our laws, our morels and our leadership. I laugh as I write this I am sure the world past didn’t see it coming either; such as the following empires – the Chinese, Egyptian, Japanese, Roman, Grecian, Mongolian, Russian, British and German; Kings have risen and Kings have fallen; even whole Civilizations . I am sure I left out some, the point being all were lifted up fell or were destroyed. So all we have left are Nations, Country’s and States; no more Empire’s. The World never saw it coming till it was too late. Today we have signs: revolutions, wars, governments falling, and this final change is completing swiftly, but we are not blind, deaf nor dumb, at least not all of us and those that are, not totally.. Yet, it is still happening all around us. American wake up, blind politicians’ wake up open your eyes, citizens listen to the cries that resound throughout the Nation, shouts of despair, suffering and death of children and babies, the poor, elderly and sick. Only desiring freedom, justice and liberty. Our government over-spends and then sends billions to a brother-hood that only want us dead; Egypt’s people who voted in brother-hood didn’t want them anymore; our own elected “leader - obama” takes a 100 – million dollar vacation to Africa to publicly complain about our citizens and elected officials. The mandates produced by our president; weird, I do not get what he did them for, the does not suggest, say or refer to this action as beginning in his realm of authority. It should fall into the laps of congress in the form of a law and sturdily I think the people would rise up and protest that happening. But, when Obama did it, not even congress stepped up to defend their constituents’. When Obama violated our constitution and bill of rights, hardly anyone blinked an eye. So-much-so that when brought to light by non-main-line media, still congress did not act? If you or I committed an act like these we would be in jail; again congress did nothing. Still today all of congress does nothing but talk!, talk! And Talk!! By James T. {member of the family of God, husband, father, brother in Christ, American Citizen, working with the body of Christ, for the Gloria of God}.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:04:42 +0000

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