Looking for Ideas for my pain! Have you or anyone you know dealt - TopicsExpress


Looking for Ideas for my pain! Have you or anyone you know dealt with L5/S1 herniated disc with sciatica? What did you/they end up doing? What helped? Doctor you or they were happy with that helped? Surgeon? (Wisconsin area) I have had my 2nd epidural (cortisone) injection last week Tuesday and it has NOT helped. :( I had such hope the 2nd injection would help. I feel totally deflated. The pain is from my low back, down by butt, down the back of my leg, It is horribly messing with my calf muscles and into my Ankle. In the Calf muscle it feels like a bad charlie horse while being electrocuted. Ankle(and part of my foot) is weak and numb. Trying to sleep is horrible. I even wear a back brace to sleep in. (it helps some) IF I sleep, trying to move is very painful. I wake up several times a hour. When I want to get out of bed it often takes me 5 min-30 min just to get out of bed. Once I can get up out of bed I often fall back on the bed because the pain and zinging is so bad I cant even stand. (Or even just sit back down on the bed) The pain is so bad I just fall back. I DREAD sleeping because of the added pain. Im SO tired!!! After Im up awake for a couple hours it is somewhat better. Meds help. (Feel like someone is slowly using a oil can relaxing the horrible pain) I need to move and stretch in different positions every 20 min or so. I DREAD sleeping anymore. I been dealing with these real bad symptoms since June. I feel like Im at the end of my rope. I ice my back, Take anti-inflammatory, Tylenol, Nerve dulling medication (Gabapentin), muscle relaxers, prescription pain meds, Lidoderm (Lidocaine Patch 5%). Been doing Physical Therapy. Ill be calling the Doc Monday morning to let them know about this 2nd shot and looking for help. If you have any ideas or can offer any advice on anything I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you!
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 11:18:12 +0000

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