Looking for ONE role-player who: - Actually enjoys reading. - - TopicsExpress


Looking for ONE role-player who: - Actually enjoys reading. - Knows and abides by grammar. - Understands and abides by proper pacing. - Exerts creative, detailed, and entertaining replies. - Comprehends and utilizes logic and reason. - Comprehends complexities and replies accordingly. - Conducts plot development without guidance. - Types 150+ words per response. - Presents necessary information in replies; nothing more, nothing less. - Uses well-developed character/s (and has a bio that can be referred to) If you dont fit all of the categories, please dont bother. You are free to use any type of character. Im flexible. ____________________________________________________ Character bio: Message me and Ill give you the needed links. Genres: Sci-fi, Mystery, Magical Realism, Philosophical, Action, Adventure, + ____________________________________________________ All right already! Cant you people just stop chasing me!? I didnt do anything!!! Yelled a strikingly white-haired male as he zoomed down the busy streets. People griped angrily upon his hasty struggles through the crowd despite the muffled apologies that were thrown in passing, the sound of blaring sirens growing louder as police vehicles neared the scene. The lad appeared no older than sixteen, baring a slight gangly physic and feminine facial features. One could most certainly mistake him for the opposite gender if not for his wears, and even then a mix-up was quite possible. A dark-blue sweater hugged his form, revealing an ebony tee as it parted in the front. His skinny jeans were faded at the knees from use, and the condition of his converse sneakers told that he took the two-ten quite regularly. His hands were held together behind his back, bound by the manacles he found himself in only minutes before. Between his teeth was the rim of a fedora that matched his sweater, which he had managed to retrieve after it had flown off his head. Around his neck was a long white tie and small silver key bound by a string, which shimmered lightly in the bright rays of the sun that burned overhead. Those bright sapphire eyes of his darted one way and then another in search of sanctuary. Spotting a corner, he abruptly turned and ducked into an alleyway in the attempt to rid himself of his pursuers. After slipping between the wall and the back of a dumpster, he listened closely to the nearing sirens as he silently began to catch his breath. Despite the fact that he loathed the authorities, he knew they were just doing their job. But even though he didnt have in it him to blame them for the pursuit, he wasnt about to give up and give in and let them haul him off to the station for questioning. The last couple of times they managed to keep him seated in a chair long enough to get him to talk, not a single word of his was taken seriously. Again, he understood their reasoning and why his answers would come off as doubtful, but surely they had to draw the line somewhere rather than laughing their heads off and changing the subjects merely for their own amusement in his answers. It was downright ludicrous for them to be asking if the tooth fairy was an accomplice in his getaways and if the jolly fat man was instructing his helpers to mass-produce explosives! In all honesty, hed rather spend a lifetime in prison than be held for questioning again.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:55:05 +0000

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