Looking for a New Years Resolution? In recent years - TopicsExpress


Looking for a New Years Resolution? In recent years “cultured” consumers continue to grow more conscious of the benefits of #local #seasonal and #organic fruits and vegetables. Perhaps in the coming year this knowledge could rollover to the Australian meat industry. We’re aware of the importance of food miles and our carbon footprint but we lack full, if any understanding of the meat industry. Out of sight, out of mind. We deny critical consideration and thought to the animals on our plate and how they came to get there. Buzzwords like #barnlaid #grainfed and #freerange enable us to justify our addiction to meat, yet few understand the reality behind these misleading terms. Do you know how the animal on your plate was conceived, reared or slaughtered? (via *gas chamber) Do you know what it ate? (*human food, soy protein and/or dehydrated fish protein) Was it taken from it’s mother prematurely?* And did the animal ever in it’s short unnatural life experience the warmth of natural sunlight?* Why is it we care more about where our fruits and vegetables have come from, than the living breathing animals sent to slaughter for our consumption? Why is equal consideration not awarded to both? Perhaps in 2015 you can think critically and considerably about the ethics of food. Perhaps with this new-found knowledge, you will take a more kind-hearted approach to what you put into your body. Every dollar you spend casts a vote for the kind of world we all must live in. For the sake of your health, the health of the environment and the welfare of animals both land and sea, I urge you rediscover food where animals are off the menu. x * Factual evidence of these practices are shown in the Australian documentaries below
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 09:43:58 +0000

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