Looking for a Solution to a Practice Setting Problem? Its - TopicsExpress


Looking for a Solution to a Practice Setting Problem? Its Standing Right Beside You Wherever this flag is flown, we take care of our own.” ~ Bruce Springsteen You as a leader, regardless of your practice setting, will eventually be confronted with a problem that appears unsolvable. You have done your due diligence, consulted the experts and nothing is working. Take heart because the answer is standing right beside you. That was the message that Dr. Tim Rutledge, M.D., Vice-President Medical and Academic Affairs at North York General Hospital in Toronto delivered in 2010 to an audience made up of senior hospital managers and medical staff at a workshop titled “Measuring, Designing and Achieving Quality for High Performance in Clinical Care”. He was travelling across the province speaking to whoever would come to the sessions and telling the story about what the staff at the emergency room at North York General Hospital eventually did to shorten ER waiting room times. He tells the story of being confronted with a critical decision about the ER after a number of options and strategies developed by non-front line staff had failed to affect wait times. What loomed in front of him was the prospect of either having to close the ER because it was simply ineffectual or finding a solution. He concluded his talk by saying, “In the end nothing else had worked, so what did we have to lose by trying something that had never been done? What we came up with didn’t seem to be the perfect solution and we didn’t know how it would all end.” It ended better than expected. Wait times were cut dramatically. Here’s what worked for them: Identify the need, meet the need, use front line staff for both of these. The message for leaders is find a group of people with talent and let them work or, as Bruce Springsteen has so aptly put to song, We take care of our own.(https://youtube/watch?v=-x8zBzxCwsM&WT=,P=19252,C=19250,L=0) “Like any great performer, what makes for great leadership is a great back-up band”
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 05:24:38 +0000

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