Looking for a cause...? Lifewater Annual Update & United Way - TopicsExpress


Looking for a cause...? Lifewater Annual Update & United Way Information Greetings from Thunder Bay. Thank-you to all how have been phoning and emailing asking for the information required to route all or part of your United Way donation to Lifewater Canada. You are receiving this email because you have expressed interested in this volunteer work drilling wells overseas. If this is not the case, please email me and I will not send you an update next year. To designate funds to help our volunteer work in Africa and Haiti, at the bottom of your United Way form, under the heading How I Would Like to Help the Community, simply tick the Other box, specifying your donation amount and fill-in the following information: - Charity: Lifewater Canada - City: Thunder Bay, ON, P7E 6G6 - Charitable Business Number: 885420737 RR 0001 Year in Review I am excited to report that tens of thousands of children and their families received safe drinking water this year! This water comes from the hundreds of Lifewater projects that were completed in 2013 in Sub-Saharan Africa and Haiti, made possible by supporters like you. Thank you! Sadly, the emotional toll of disease and death became much more personal this year, as I experienced the illness and eventual passing of my younger sister Corrine. Despite the best medicine available, she eventually lost her life to a virulent cancer. She was a vibrant woman, a compassionate doctor, a loving wife and mother, and is a deeply missed friend, sister and daughter. As I was trying to adjust to this senseless loss, I began to feel a deeper connection to the countless families who lose loved ones to cholera, typhoid and other water-borne diseases. I have no doubt that they feel the same pain I have when faced with the loss of a loved one. The only difference is, while Corrine’s cancer could not be cured, the cure for these other families is simple. For them, the greatest vaccine against disease and death is: safe drinking water! With your support, countless families now have a brighter future. Communities mobilize, safe water flows, and sanitation and hygiene improve. Families can now focus on living rather than grieving. In 2014 we hope to complete one project every day: drill or rebuild a well, repair a pump or build a communal washroom. With your support, we hope to keep teams working at full capacity in 2014, transforming the lives of thousands of children, men and women. On behalf of those waiting for safe drinking water, I thank you for your interest and support! Fiscal 2013 Project Summary ($664,113 Expenses) 57% Wells (112)* 20% Capital (Drill Rigs, Trucks, Bits & Equipment) 7% Training workers 6% Well Rehab (32)* & Pump Repair (hundreds) 5% Washrooms (5)* & hygiene workshops (hundreds) 5% Overhead *Includes Caretaker training, and Repair Technician training. Haiti Susan Rakoczy, our Haiti Director, sent the following update: “It has been a productive and encouraging year for Lifewater d’Haiti! Haiti is a tough place to see any progress because the web of bureaucracy is so entangled that it is nearly impossible to navigate. Thankfully, we have an incredible team of highly skilled and committed Haitians who understand the culture and can successfully lead the project. Several exciting things have happened this year. First, we trained a second well driller, so we can run two drills simultaneously. Second, a shipping container filled with Afridev pumps made its way to the compound, which required divine intervention at several different points! The well replacement and repair program continues to flourish. Lastly, the transition of the team to become more independent was completed, with local Haitians taking over administration and leadership. There were challenges as well. Drills rigs and other equipment have had issues. There have been governmental agencies trying to take more than their fair share. We encountered security issues. Yet through it all, God has blessed and provided what was needed. Our team is now recognized through the north and we are often thanked by community members. Thank you to you all for your generosity.” In the upcoming year, Lifewater d’Haiti will be building a new compound for workers and equipment, as the need for our own space has been reinforced through aforementioned security issues in 2012. We look forward to increased effectiveness as a result! Let me know if you want to come on a construction project! Liberia Liberia has always been a main focus of our work. The team had another successful year, completing more than one well per week for the entire year. This gave clean water to thousands of people! This year included some significant administrative restructuring, which will lead to ongoing training in 2014. This is important work, in order to ensure maximum efficiency so that the team can reach as many people as possible who are in dying need of clean water. The following is a thank-you letter from a school community where a well was installed. We receive similar letters from each community we go into, all available on our website! “We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Lifewater Liberia for your tremendous generosity extended to the school. The hand pump constructed will contribute meaningfully to the health, growth, and the educational development of the students. We hope that you will continue your efforts in developing Liberia!” Proprietress of Confidence Daycare, Elementary and High-school Kenya Lifewater plays a secondary role in Kenya, as one of many supporting organizations for “Lifewater Kenya”. This is different than our other countries of operation, where we founded and organized our teams that work there. Lifewater Kenya is run by David Maina, and he and the organization work on many projects to help people who are suffering from the long and continuing drought in East Africa. While much of the team’s time and energy are focused on running orphanages and a home for uncared-for elderly, they also drill wells, build water catchment systems, and construct washrooms. Lifewater Canada partners with Lifewater Kenya specifically for water and sanitation projects. We recently approved three water wells and two school washrooms for the upcoming year. David has a gift for finding high priority locations, and these projects will be no different. Nigeria Silas Dauji, Nigeria Director, sent this report: “This year was characterized by several high points, but came with lots of challenges. The conflicts and violence in Northern Nigeria created difficulties for the team, but in no way compared to the smiles and joy that we saw from more than ten thousand people who benefited from new wells! Several times our crew and ministry partners were caught up in real-time violent situations, but we thank God no one was hurt. In spite of these situations, the resolve to minister through our presence and provision of clean water enabled us to keep trusting God for safety and protection. We’ve seen many doors open, especially in the North East part of the country, which is known for its resistance to accept changes, especially from people from different backgrounds. We have been greatly enabled by your support! As we move into another year, we remain resolute to push further with the provision of clean water.” Our teams in Nigeria, led by Silas Dauji and Hosea Apeh, continue to amaze us with their commitment and hard work in the face of struggle. They are currently rebuilding their big drill rig that was damaged in an Al Qaeda attack. Together, we recognize that clean water is a first step in restoring peace to communities that have been at war with each other, bringing health and happiness where previously there was sickness and strife. Sign Up for Monthly Email Updates – contact [email protected] lifewater.ca/ 194-307 Euclid Ave Thunder Bay, ON P7E 6B6 (807) 622-4848 ******************************************************************************* Every 15 seconds a child dies from a water-related illness! You can make a difference! Find out how at lifewater.ca Lifewater.ca Mail: 307 Euclid Ave, Suite 194, Thunder Bay, Ontario , P7E 6G6 , CANADA Voice messages to: (807) 622-4848 Fax: (807) 577-9798 ATTN: Lifewater.ca, Suite 194 Email: gehrelji@yahoo ********************************************************************************
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:40:19 +0000

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