Looking for a new arm workout? Want a great pump? Try this one - TopicsExpress


Looking for a new arm workout? Want a great pump? Try this one out,,, Heres what I did this week for arms and WOW the pump was insane! Some may say it was over training, but as a shock session, used once every 6 weeks or so, would be very beneficial to encourage new growth and flush those pythons with as much blood / pump as possible.... Exercise 1: 100 reps over 5 movements done as one set, complete this set, rest for 1-2 minutes then hit the next set. Complete 4 sets and DONT GIVE 🆙... Standard rope pull down exaggerating the separation at bottom of movement: X 20reps Straight to.. Normal grip bar push down: X 20reps Straight to.. Rope close pull down (hold handles together throughout movement to keep close) X 20reps Straight to.. Underhand bar pull down: X 20reps Rope over head extension: X 20reps, (do 15 standard reps, last 5 concentrate on the stretch and use explosive movements to complete final 5 reps) THATS ONE SET.... 💪 Complete this for 4 sets (400 reps hitting triceps from all angles) Next... EZ BAR skull crushers: warmup to find your weight.. You want a weight made up of smaller plates (to allow drop sets) that you can just about get 6-10reps on. Then, do one all out set, hitting failure, with the smaller plates on, do as many drop sets as it takes to complete 50reps. You WILL have to drop to just the bar, no weight, eventually, if you have pushed hard enough. Thats TRICEPS done.... Now... BICEPS 💪... Set one: SUPERSET ... EZ BAR 21s ➡ Hammer curls X 10-20reps Set two: SUPERSET... Seated incline dumbell curls X 10 reps each side ➡ bar cable curl X 20reps Set three: SUPERSET... Reverse barbell curl X 12-20 reps ➡ Preacher bench EZ bar curls X 12-15 reps. Set four: one all out high rep set.. Concentration curl X 30-40 reps, one set, each arm. And that is it... Easy as That. This is a very intense workout and should be done as a treat pump session, not as a regular arms day each week. This is one of my favourite arms workouts. Simply because the PUMP is unreal... Enjoy 💪 #teamcbfitness
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 10:20:09 +0000

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