Looking into the faces of the national leaders of USA, Israel, UK - TopicsExpress


Looking into the faces of the national leaders of USA, Israel, UK assembled in the avowedly pro-zionist audience, looking directly into the faces of all of those national leaders who pledged their full support and gave praise and avowed justification for the bloody asymmetrical Israeli governments devastating attack on Palestinians in Gaza in revenge for the slaying of three Israeli yeshiva boys by allegedly splinter Hamas provocateurs-- watching their smug, self-righteous expressions of adoration as they listened to the magnificent voice of Barbara Streisand chant the holiest of holy prayers that we faithful chant together repeatedly on the most sacred High Holidays of Atonement and Redemption... I thought only it wise to share and reflect on the direct text from my personal prayer book, The New Union Prayer Book For The Days of Awe. Note Pardon only comes to those who fully acknowledge their sins of commission and their sins of omission and plead to Adonoi for a redeeming mercy and a restorative forgiveness. These men and women have much to acknowledge for... Now is not the time to protest about the countless Hamas rockets that are largely thwarted by the Israeli high tech Iron Dome. I submit that now is the time on these High Holy Days for American Jewry to openly and honestly reflect on the actions taken by the extraordinary might of the Israeli Defense Force and acknowledge the unacceptable degree of overkill. Now is not the time to criticize Hamas leadership, to question the integrity of Abbas leadership in the West Bank... Now is the time for practicing and prayerful American Jews to force our gaze back upon ourselves. This is the tradition of 5775 years of High Holiday worship. Attend to the holy text and reflect. Avinu, Malkeinu (Our Father Our King) A hundred generation have stood as we do now before the open Ark. That they found in themselves little merit, testifies to their humility. They repented and amended their way,. They fell, only to rise again, as they climbed toward the Light. Strong was the faith of those who stood here before us, while we are of a generation that has sought to dethrone You. Many have said to the works of their hands: you are our gods. Strange, then, to see the emptiness in those who cast You out. Strange to see the agonies of our time grow more numerous and more intense, the more our worship centers on ourselves. Strange that men and women grow smaller with out You. Smaller without the faith that You are with them. We pray, therefore, that this day which yet restores Your people, may help us come close to you, the living God, the God of Life. ... You are absent only when we shut You out, only when, full of ourselves, we leave no room for You within our hearts. We call You, Avinu. As a loving parent, forgive our sins and failings, and reach for us as we reach for You. We call you Malkeinu. As a wise ruler, teach us to add our strength to Your love, that we may redeem this world and build Your kingdom. To this vision, to his possibility, to this task, we offer selves anew. Our Father, our King, hear our voice Our Father, Our King, we have sinned against You Our Father, our King, make an end to sickness, War and famine. Our Father, our King, make an end to ALL oppression. Our Father, our King, be gracious and answer us, for we have little merit. Treat us generously and with kindness, and be our help. The Lord, the Lord God is merciful and gracious, endlessly patients, loving, and true, showing mercy to thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression, and sin and printing pardon.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 06:40:01 +0000

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