Looking outside at the beautiful sunrise and sunshine, Im - TopicsExpress


Looking outside at the beautiful sunrise and sunshine, Im reminded, without going outside, that its definitely colder than it has been the last few days. I dont know about you, but am I one of the few who feel like they are still adjusting to the time change? Unspoken prayer request for me on the job front/job search process. Thankful to church friends who look out for me job search wise. Thankful this morning for...heat, family, friends (church and outside church), the current path God has me on, and overall how lucky I am with everything God has provided and how sometimes I feel like I dont deserve it. Thankful that each day is a day to grow not only in my walk, but also in grace, mercy, patience, and knowledge. May you be reminded this Thursday not to take anything for granted and to enjoy everyday that God has blessed you with and provided for you, challenges or not. God bless you today! Todays promise: God cares for the persecuted Do you have a support group? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two men can stand back-to-back and conquer. Ecclesiastes 4:12 NLT A faithful friend is a strong defense; and he that hath found him hath found a treasure. Louisa May Alcott Please click here. The strength of the huddle When I asked Mike what he missed most about pro football, I was surprised by his answer. He said it was getting into the huddle. You felt safe there, he said. It was where you could get direction, support, and correction. It was where you could regroup for the next phase of the battle, knowing 10 other guys were there to help you win. Mike said the huddle was a real refuge during away-games in hostile stadiums, when, besides the team, they were fighting a negative environment. It was a place where they could return to for encouragement to keep going. Every man needs a safe place to get what he needs to enter into lifes conflict. If a mans going to survive—no, win—the battles of life, he must have a huddle of good men around him to cheer him on and bandage his wounds. He needs men who will celebrate with him in the good times and do whatever it takes to bring help and healing in the bad times. Rodney L. Cooper in Shoulder to Shoulder The writer of Ecclesiastes paints a depressing picture of a man who strives to gain the whole world alone, then asks himself, Who am I working for? Why am I giving up so much pleasure now? The writer concludes, It is all so meaningless and depressing (Ecclesiastes 4:8). How much better it is to go through life with a strong network of support. When you share your trials and triumphs with others, you soon realize that youre not alone. And somehow, when we stand together, lifes challenges dont seem so daunting anymore. Helpless Without Him I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. John 5:30, NKJV Have you wondered, in agony, why God is doing what Hes doing? Why He has delayed answering your prayer? Have you reacted to the delay by trying to help Him out and speed things up? Have you turned to . . . a doctor, a lawyer, a counselor, a friend, pop psychology, a neighbors sympathetic ear, or a popular TV talk show? Have you resorted to threats or bargaining or manipulation until youre totally exhausted? Have you come to the absolute end of your rope? One reason God may be delaying His answer to your prayer and postponing His intervention in your situation is to bring you to the end of your own resources. Sometimes God waits in order to allow us time to exhaust every other avenue of help until we finally realize without any doubt or reservation that we are totally helpless without Him. TODAYS ENCOURAGING WORD - 3/13/2014 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. --Philippians 3:14, NLT
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:21:14 +0000

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