Looking through old Facebook posts I made back in like, 2012, I - TopicsExpress


Looking through old Facebook posts I made back in like, 2012, I noticed I fell into the culture of posting meaningless, pointless things... I now come to realize that whether I was to admit it or not, this was done to receive validation from other people that I may or may not care for their opinion, but it made me feel like the simple happenings in my life ought to be known by everyone who had a Facebook. Some of these were personal and meaningful to ME. After all, it is my Facebook and I post whatever I feel like, but now I realized something way more important; the value of my experiences and life is not proportional or dependable in the amount of likes, shares or attention my posts receive. Many of the greatest moment I have enjoyed, are not on Facebook. Why? Because I was present in that moment, all I needed was to share it with the people who were there. Presence is the biggest thing I feel like we, as the young demographic, hooked on electronics, misses out on. We are present in physical, but not emotional, spiritual, full, form and so we do miss out in a huge chunk of the experience. Like going crazy over seeing and artist LIVE and then when you finally do, being so busy posting on Facebook, instagram or twitter about it that you miss that piece of it. I mean, what is it worth? Enjoy NOW share LATER, it sure as hell will not take away from the value of the experience and its not like everyone just sits in front of a screen WAITING to post, comment or like it. They may be happy for you, but your feelings are still personal, so much more intense for YOU in particular. With this little writing challenge I feel like it has allowed me to put something more meaningful than those simple check ins I used to do. I still do not look for peoples validation, but rather to in some way impact someone through my little passages. I am by no means an author, but maybe I will write an encouraging book some day, who knows... For now I just look to put more value back into this product that we all use called Facebook, but dont forget life doesnt happen inside the computer screen. Go out and live, share, love with REAL people. You can connect with people on Facebook, maybe they are far away? On a trip? Lost their number?, but how will you eveeerr meet new friends, partners, etc. if you dont talk to someone in the real world. Never forget Facebook is a tool and a product... Its a THING not a PERSON, so dont become attached to it.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 05:27:16 +0000

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