Looking to cast kids ages 12-15 for a short film. Location: 916 - TopicsExpress


Looking to cast kids ages 12-15 for a short film. Location: 916 Formosa Ave., West Hollywood, California Casting Date: August 24, 2013 at CAZT STUDIOS Time: 12 PM - 5 PM Details: Charlie- 12 year old boy, Charlie looks like your typical 12 yr old kid, but he’s not. Charlie loves horror movies and ghost stories. Charlie loves to watch all sorts of horror movies, and listen to all sorts of ghost stories. He thinks his older brother is the smartest person alive, and loves to hear his spooky stories. Whether they’re true or not, Charlie believes them. He loves to tell the stories, and movie plot lines to his friends and family, and honestly believes in them. Andy- 13-15 year old girl. Although Andy looks like a cute little girl, she loves to get dirty, play sports, and rough house. Andy is older than all her friends, but likes hanging out with Charlie and the guys, because she is treated like a guy friend, not some little girl. She also loves being the tough one in the group. Rick- 12 year old cool kid. Rick thinks he is the coolest kid ever next to Charlie of course. Rick has cool guy hair, and wears all the cool clothes; he even has a leather jacket. Rick although thinking that he and Charlie are the coolest kids ever, gets kind of scared by Charlie’s stories, and like Andy because he feels protected when she’s around. Andre- 13-15 year old bully. Andre is a fat kid. Andre was picked on as a child for being fat, so now he is the bully. He picks on anyone smaller than him, especially Charlie and his friends. Andre is not all together a bad guy, he just makes fun and pushes around smaller kids to make himself feel better. For more information email: whitneyalley@gmail
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 02:52:20 +0000

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