Looking to quit sugar but having a hard time going cold turkey? - TopicsExpress


Looking to quit sugar but having a hard time going cold turkey? What about when you want a quick snack but dont know how to get one? Try out this article on the sugar buster. I recommend using organic almond butter, sadly its currently $18 a jar and organic peanut butter is only $5 a jar so I went with the peanut butter. Remember that nut and nut butters are high in polyunsaturated fat which should make up a VERY small portion of your fat intake (around 3%). Blending the nut butter with the nutrient dense coconut oil which is short/medium chain saturated fats (fuel that brain!) makes it WAY healthier for you. If youre just quitting sugar and youre using a whole jar of peanut butter (16oz) and 16oz of coconut oil you may want to start as high as 4 TBS of raw honey. Eat a small spoonful when youre going to have a breakdown. It will get through! Over time youll be able to space it out more and more. When the batch is gone, try 3 TBS of raw honey in the second batch, and then 2 TBS of raw honey in the third batch. You can most likely stay at 2 TBS of raw honey. With the amount of fat between the coconut oil and nut butter the glycemic index of the honey is drastically reduced. If youd like to continue lowering the honey ratio though, go right ahead. fearlesseating.net/how-to-stop-sugar-cravings-with-the-sugar-buster/
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 04:50:36 +0000

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