Looking up! We share a Libra Sun (our purpose is to choose the - TopicsExpress


Looking up! We share a Libra Sun (our purpose is to choose the Way which leads to right relationship with all that is up, down, all around and within) and a Cancer Moon (feeling a need to build a lighted house for all of us to dwell within ... tending to and caring for, nourishing and nurturing). The north node (the direction that we are headed toward), Venus (always calling us to higher levels of the mind to where the soul resides (we are the soul ... we are light divine, we are love, we are will, and we are of a fixed design)), and Mercury (the winged messenger, bridging the higher and the lower) are conjoined by the Sun, appearing as if working together in a group to aid each of us in choosing the Way ... to build a lighted house (aspecting our Cancer Moon). With the energies from Mars in Sagittarius harmonizing, we may be inclined to feel a fiery aspiration to direct our energy with determination, dedicated toward the goal of balancing our relationships (within ourselves, our environment, nature, and within which we all live and move and have our being). And with Uranus in Aries (an impulse (electrical in nature (like lightning) an urge to better conditions) waking us up in a way to see our pioneering efforts of the past in a different light .... inclining us, perhaps, to focus on how our particular facet of the work to be done (our part to play, what is ours to do) relates to the work of others. In the past, we may have been competitive or separative as we developed our identity (I am!) and now, we are headed toward relating ourselves in balance with others, recognizing them in loving cooperation. Were being called in that direction ... standing under the will to good. The Sabian symbol for our Sun is, Chanticleer with the keyword of fervor symbolizing, perhaps, how as we each recognize the affirmations of others (the rooster calling out) ... we create together a fervor or a confidence which, when taken together, gives rising to the Sun. Were headed in that direction ... as we learn to work in chorus (listening to each other while, at the same time, contributing our voices in harmony and in goodwill) ... And it is as if we can be heard singing together, The Sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow ... therell be Sun ... Using our creative imaginations, let us visualize all of us together, around the planet, looking up and aligning ourselves with the available energies. Let us call in our family and friends and neighbors and co-workers and all those that we will interact with today to be with us within a spirit of goodwill or love in action. Let us see ourselves in chorus .. And let us reflect upon and call in all those who dwell in the higher realms of mind and heart - the Spiritual Hierarchy of saints, Rishis, Bodhisattvas, Masters and deities honored by all the worlds religions and spiritual groups from around the world, and all those who are in our hearts. And let us call in The Mother of the World to work with us … focusing our attention on her until she becomes a reality in our consciousness and close to us … and she joins us, guiding us, as we all continue together within the radiance of her veil … Let us imagine, with the hardiness and simplicity of a child, that we are together within the center of the Heart of Love. And let us see all of the energies and rays and potencies and forces that are available to us at this particular time pouring into the center of the circle we all form together and, in using our minds eye, let us see the energies streaming forth through pathways of light into all of the hearts and minds of humanity, infusing them with the goodwill needed to create loving and harmonious human relationships and a climate for positive social change … let us all see that which must be loved … We seek to love not hate We seek to serve and not exact due service We seek to heal not hurt Let pain bring due reward of light and love Let the Soul control the life, the form and all events And bring to light the love that underlies the happenings of the time Let vision come and insight Let the future stand revealed Let inner union demonstrate And outer cleavages be gone Let love prevail Let all love
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 11:53:59 +0000

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