Looks like an idyllic Sunday afternoon bike ride right? Beautiful - TopicsExpress


Looks like an idyllic Sunday afternoon bike ride right? Beautiful trail, wildflowers, nature, nice weather. In the spirit of an article I read recently about the lies we intentionally or unintentionally tell with our Facebook status and pics, here is what really happened during this idyllic Sunday afternoon bike ride: We werent 20 feet from the house when both children complained that the ground was too rocky and they couldnt peddle. After several pushes from me, and lots of arguing, they finally agreed to walk their bikes until there was smoother ground. When we finally got to the trail, we were chased by a particularly determined black fly. Once a few feet down the trail, the complaints of tired legs were inevitably starting. When we took a break at a bridge and saw a gorgeous blue heron, Logan threw a rock at it and then got his wheel stuck in the ruts in the bridge. While trying to peddle back home, he narrowly missed cutting off and potentially maiming a poor unsuspecting jogger. The way back was up hill of course, which led to Lily pulling a fit because a) she couldnt peddle up the hill and b) I wouldnt carry her bike, making me the meanest Mommy in the world and leading to a series of dramatic sighs and eye rolls. Needless to say, this idyllic Sunday afternoon bike ride ended with me carrying both kids bikes home, no easy feat while simultaneously pushing Casey in the baby stroller. On a brighter note, Casey actually slept for once during the day, proving that every cloud has a silver lining... ;)
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:41:40 +0000

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