Looks like several people seem to be under the impression that I - TopicsExpress


Looks like several people seem to be under the impression that I read a lot. Many have asked me to list my favourite books. Some have been impatient and have even asked me why I have not put out my list. The fact is that I do not read much, I do not read books which exceed 250-300 pages and I am a very slow reader. In comparison to the books that my erudite friends have read, my choice would look like nursery rhymes. Nevertheless, driven to the wall, I oblige. Heres my list, in descending order: 1. Gullivers Travels - Jonathan Swift 2. Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll 3. Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions - Martin Gardener 4. Lure of the Limerick - W S Baring-Gould 5. The Code of the Woosters - P G Wodehouse 6. Confessions of an Advertising Man - David Ogilvy 7. The Last Lecture - Randy Pausch 8. Go Kiss the World - Subroto Bagchi 9. Weasel Words - Philip Howard 10. Eats Shoots and Leaves - Lynne Truss
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 17:29:14 +0000

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