Lope Columna 25: WHY DID GOD CHANGE THE VENUE OF ISAIAH 46:11 - TopicsExpress


Lope Columna 25: WHY DID GOD CHANGE THE VENUE OF ISAIAH 46:11 PROPHECY FROM THE EAST TO THE FAR EAST; and The Change in Stewardship of His Counsel From The Ravenous BIRD to The MAN From The Far East? ========================================================== God declared, I AM GOD, and THERE IS NONE ELSE. Why did God have to repeat that statement, by saying, I AM GOD, and THERE IS NONE LIKE ME? Understand the great secret message here in Isaiah 46:9-11. The Man from the Far Country is a nobody coming from a small and bullied nation in the Far East -- the Philippines. In connection with this nobody from the Far East, God declared, I am God, and there is none like me (Isaiah 46:9). God is saying here, that He can use anybody He personally chooses according to His pleasure; even a despised/weak person or nation that the world never expects to be powerfully used by God (1Corinthians 1:27-29)! God demonstrates that His power is not limited to the Greats and Superpowers only; He can use anybody, from the GREATEST TO THE LEAST, from the TOP TO THE BOTTOM. Thus, there is no God like Him. I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE ELSE. Cyrus was a great King of Persia, and God called and used him to destroy and conquer the great Babylonian Empire, and to deliver Gods chosen people (Israel) from their exile in Babylon. Thus, in connection with the great King Cyrus, God declared, I am God, and there is none else (Isaiah 46:9). God is saying here, that He is the Highest God (The MOST HIGH), and He used King Cyrus who was of a High Office and power to execute His Counsel. Thus, God demonstrated that He can use High Authorities to do His Will, and that there is no other Authority, Power, or God higher than Him. During the time of King Cyrus, the Persians are friends of the Jewish People. So, God used them, particularly King Cyrus for the deliverance of His people (Israel) from the Babylonian Empire. But in the End-Time, before the return of the King Messiah Christ Jesus, the Persians, now called the Iranians have become an enemy of Israel! The last ruler of the Persians or Iranians that is a friend of Israel is the Ayatollah Khomeini. I AM GOD, AND THERE IS NONE LIKE ME. Because of these turn of events and change of attitude of the Iranians against Israel, God also changes the Venue and the Person to fulfill the Spiritual 2nd Part of Isaiah 46:11 prophecy. Therefore, God called The Man from the Far Country to receive and execute His Counsel, which is the True Gospel of Gods Messianic Kabbalah Wisdom -- The Greatest End-Time revelation to Mankind! The Man from the Far Country is a nobody coming from a small and bullied nation in the Far East -- the Philippines. In connection with this nobody from the Far East, God declared, I am God, and there is none like me (Isaiah 46:9). God is saying here, that He can use anybody He personally chooses according to His pleasure; even a despised/weak person or nation that the world never expects to be powerfully used by God (1Corinthians 1:27-29)! God has chosen the worlds insignificant and despised things--the things viewed as nothing--so He might bring to nothing the things that are viewed as something,so that no one can boast in His presence. (1Cor 1:28-29 HCSB) God demonstrates that His power is not limited to the Greats and Superpowers only; He can use anybody, from the GREATEST TO THE LEAST, from the STRONG TO THE WEAK. Thus, there is no God like Him (Isaiah 46:9). So, now, the Spiritual side of Gods Counsel is of New Dimension, New Venue, and New Steward compared to that of the Physical side (Isa 43:19, 42:9). Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (Isa 43:19 KJV) GOD PERFORMS THESE CHANGES BECAUSE OF THE NEARNESS OF HIS SALVATION AND MANIFESTATION OF HIS GLORY And the Great God has done, and will do all these new things for the purpose of showing His Glory and accomplishing the Salvation of Mankind. Therefore, all of us must now pay attention and carefully listen to Gods Counsel, which is the greatest revelation in the End-time generation! ====================================================== By: LOPE COLUMNA > The Man Called By God To Explain, Preach, and Execute His Counsel (Jeremiah 9:12, Isaiah 46:11). For more in-depth revelations, please go to: thebrideofchrist.info/2014/04/why-philippines-9-why-did-god-change.html
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 01:06:01 +0000

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