Lord Captain’s Personal Log – 2014-02-22 – Hollygrove – - TopicsExpress


Lord Captain’s Personal Log – 2014-02-22 – Hollygrove – High Seas Adventure Safe an sound an home again – Let da waters roar Jack! – Da weekend dat almost wasn’t – LOL Well Mates started out Fri nite dinner – I ate sumten bad!!!! – “Food Poisoning” l only hav meself ta blame (I did da cooking – sigh) Well I waz so sick Saturday morning – I really considered not goin ta Faire – Also here in Mt. Pleasant t’was raining catz an dogz - Well I gotz meself goin an da more da morning passed (Literally) da better Iz felt Left home port around 11:00am got ta farie around 12:30pm – Had ta park way out an hike inta da gates Linda an Cap’n Fishbones (Of da Forgiven) lovely daughter Ashley met me at da gate wid da tickets ta git in – Tanks so much Cap’n an Linda fer saving me butt (I accidently deleted da discounted tickets I had purchased – DOLT!!!! – LOL) Soes Again Tanks so much Mates. Visited wid Linda an Mike an all dare mates fer awhile. Werked me way ta da Gunnes Pub (Wheres Lord Admiral holds Court) Once there I learned I’d missed me Mate Tim – Lookes like we’ll hafta plan another one Mate – So sorry fer dat. Dinna move my arse from da bench fer da rest of da day – Mates new an ole came an went an I enjoyed all of dare company. Me Mates Maddog an Zilla invited me ta stay in dare lovely home fer da weekend soes I gotz da chance see their great backyard oasis (Tiki bar, Swimming pool an all) – We grilled hot dogs an fries fer dinner – wish I coulda ate more mates but still wasn’t feelin da greatest – But what I ate t’was da really goode - Kudos Zilla an Maddog. Nex day Sunday we all got up an Zilla made breakfast an most importantly (Ta yer Lord Captain) Great coffee!!! – LOL Got ta faire bought a nice large hand fan (Opens wid da sound of a CRACK!!!!!) along da way Next went an visited Cap’n Stouty ta purchase walking stick (Cane) from him – as I had forgotten mine – Great piece tanks Stouty great stuff – could not visit long as his shop waz busy as all git out – He makes da best hats (at a reasonable price) of any hatter I knows (I own three of dem – LOL) Back ta da Pub ta hold court an enjoy da people watching – I gotta tell ye Mates – I hears all dis dising about Halloween type garb? But I gotta say Da wenches wearing does costumes WOW!!!!!!! Woo Hooo!!!! Huzzahs – Ye all cain be a wench on me ship any day – LOL Missed seeing Sean also – sorry Mate Like wid Tim we’ll git tagether again. Did hook up wid me new Mates (Joining CRYSTA’s Crew) Margret an Brian Brookman – I met them an dare family at Pirate Fest – Dey took da challenge of “Wrestling da Kraken” – We had ta retire ta da parking lot as ye all knows da Kraken be a big beastie – LOL – While dey both dinna defeat da Beastie dey gave it dare best an earned da honor of joining our not so secret, secret Organization “The Order of da Kraken” – While dey received their pins they will be formally inducted inta da Order at our nex event tagether. Congrats Mates. At da end of da day dis ole Sea Captain sailed off ta inta da sunset ta visit da Coney Islands – A chain of Islands in da Flint area wheres da native foods consist of da best cooked dogs (Hot dogs Mates – LOL) on da seas – After not eating much fer two dayz dis t’was an extra special treat fer me – LOL – Even brought a dog home fer Lady Crysta (Dis particular restaurant “Starlite” Chrissy an I hav eaten dare on an off fer 45 years). Made it back ta home port wid out incident. It twas great seeing all me CRYSTA Mates dare (both old an new) Ashley tanks fer da ride back ta me truck!!! - Da rough terrrain twas hell on dis ole capns hips. Ok Mate lets start planning next years raid!!!! Lord Captain Robert Edward Teach Barbanegra (CRYSTA)
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:02:21 +0000

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