Lord God, Let us lift Your name in praise as we give thanks for - TopicsExpress


Lord God, Let us lift Your name in praise as we give thanks for the opportunity to have lived this day. You, Lord, who have given us all that we will ever need, are praised for Your loving mercy and for using each day to teach us to be better servants for You. Thank You for all the positive influencers that You have placed in our paths today. We thank You for everyone who has ever prayed for us or lifted us up in prayer. We want to thank You for anyone who will pray for us in the future. Thanks especially for the people of strong faith that You have placed in our path and the positive impact they have had on our characters as we grow and learn. Lord, Insulate us from experiences that compromise our full potential. Move us away from distractions, diversions, and temptations. Keep our thoughts fixed on what is true, pure, excellent and worthy of praise. We know that nothing guards our hearts more than being in Your perfect will. Protect us Father, from any person or relationship that would lead us or delay us down the wrong paths. Cause us to become mindful to the people in our lives and the so influences they are having on our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical habits. Please bring wise, genuine friends into our lives and guide us to dissolve any ties with those who may weaken our relationship with You. Holy, Righteous, and Living God, We hold You in the highest places in our hearts. Forgive us when we dont hold You in the highest place in our lives. Empower us with Your Holy Spirit to give up all the little things that distract our loyalty to You and interfere with Your place as Supreme and Sovereign God in our day-to-day lives. Lord, we am so glad that You know each of our children and grandchildren by name. Thank You or sending an army of angels around each child. Thank You for protecting them all today. Father, would you please turn their minds and hearts toward You and pleasing You in Your ways of mercy and truth. As you are our sin bearer Lord, so You bear our burdens. We lay our cares upon you, because You love us. We lay down our burden at the foot of the cross. All of our anxieties, worries, and fears, for our families and health we bring to Your everlasting arms, and place them under Your sheltering wings We lay at your feet. All our burdens, and concerns We bring to Jesus who shall supply all our needs. Lord, so very many are sick with cancer, please bless them all, and be with those who are bearing the loss of their loved ones and show them mercy. All of our frustrations, difficulties, weaknesses and plans for the future We lay before your Sovereign will as we remember we can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. Father, we ask Your mercies and blessings, Amen
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 02:49:29 +0000

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