Lord, God, at the birth of the child, Jesus, heaven and earth - TopicsExpress


Lord, God, at the birth of the child, Jesus, heaven and earth witnessed your wondrous intervention for the healing of this world as a new star rose to its peak. So now, we pray, help us to remain steadfast and faithful without deceit in giving honor to You and to Your child, our savior, Jesus the Christ. Amen. When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. Matthew 2:1-11 { A new day is dawning. God is acting. In the seeming innocence of a child born in the dark of quiet night, whose imponderable depths were known only to a few human beings and those mysterious powers in the world that were alert to the significance of this child, this rising stars cresting on the horizon, God was turning the world upside down. According to Matthew, this child---this incarnation of God, would have for a while remained hidden. Except that some wise men who were especially attuned to Gods acting in the universe decided to do what is purely natural for those observant of Gods work in the world, they sought the child to honor him, to acknowledge that in this child, God was doing something new.}
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 08:55:15 +0000

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