Lord, I come to you for my friends. I come to you to ask that you - TopicsExpress


Lord, I come to you for my friends. I come to you to ask that you provide them strength and comfort in this time of deep need. Their hurt and grief run so deep. I feel so much pain for them, but I can only imagine how hard this time must be for them. I pray that you help them maintain their faith in you during this difficult time. I know you can be our greatest shoulder, but I also ask that you remain their biggest provider. It is a time when daily life can be so burdensome. Please provide patience from others as they work through their grief. Surround them with understanding so that they can work through all the emotions this loss brought up. And Lord, allow me to be a comfort to my friends. Help me be what they need during this time. Provide me with the comforting words, the kindness in my heart, the patience to allow the grief to take its course. Let me be part of your light and comfort during this time. I pray these things in Jesus name. Amen. Wade- You were a great friend full of life and joy. You will be missed more then you ever know. I pray that you are at peace with no more pain. The world has lost an amazing friend. The day will come when we will meet again, I smile now because i know you will meet me with a smile saying Lets go big DADDY!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 18:56:25 +0000

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