Lord, If You could please hear me now, I have to give thanks and - TopicsExpress


Lord, If You could please hear me now, I have to give thanks and appreciation as well ask a few things of You. First, thank You again for another day of living and thank You Lord for continuing to remain by the side of those who need You and creating an avenue for those whom are lost in life. I am so wore out from my feet to my legs to my back to my shoulders and even a bit internally, with organs beginning to malfunction as of late. Father I pray for continued guidance and motivation from You, so that I may never fall astray from my goals in which I have set, and also pray for healing both outside of my body and within. Oh Lord, I ask that not only do You give me health and strength and courage to maintain it, but the stability in my life to prosper. I ask that You help others to share and give with the same open heart and mind that the Son of God would have, that they do so with passion and a willingness to bless others so that they may quickly receive their blessing of being capable to give. I ask that You protect me while I drive around daily, and create a shell of armor not only over me but also over all those around me or those who matter in my life no matter how far away they may be. I ask that You protect those who cannot provide for themselves as You have done for all eternity. I ask that You fill those whom can provide the encouragement to give back to others in which they understand are in need. Sharing is indeed caring Lord, yes, and when one shares and gives before God, they then become at peace and their spirits will be lifted as if they had just received a gift themselves, the gift of loving eachother, as we all were intended to do so in the eyes of God. I ask that today I can not only endure any conditions in nature and life as I do each day, but that I can never fail in my newfound dedication and commitment to achieve maximum potential. Father, I ask that You may also provide a clearing of the fog that once clouded the vison of not only myself, but those whom encounter me each day, so that they may first hand be able to relate to motivation to survive in a way that allows them a desire to help. If everyone on this planet Father, were to bear witness and not just view or listen to the testimony of Jesus Chrisy, but to also FEEL it within their hearts, then we would quickly remove any hate or struggle from the lives of billions. Scripture can be interpreted differently depending on those who see the words with their eyes, however Father, he or she which feels it with their heart, will never misinterpret the ability to love, and just as You Almighty God love us Your creation, we must also strive to love one another. Its inevitable we evolve in genetic make up, but with Jesus, we can also see that evolution is not something that will ever change our emotional spirits, and will can all feel better about ourselves if we attempt to help those whose spirits may be broken due to circumstance. It is very easy to be greedy, because the devils temptation lurks within every corner. However Lord, as You have told us all, we all have free-will, and the Father gave us the ability to deny such temptations with our open hearta, and put first the human race as a whole, instead of trying to divide and classify eachother by status. You can never be too big to fail, or yoo little to succeed, and thats a message that each of us will understand when they develop a relationship and Know Jesus Christ in their heart, mind, body, and spirit, and I pray that today, as every day, You give them an opportunity to realizing this. Thank You Father God, for abilities we are most certainly blessed to have as well as the blessing of being able to bestow love and compassion to those whom need it most. May You continue to bless those whom give as wll as those who receive. In Jesus name, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:10:53 +0000

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