Lord Jesus pls forgive ur people during these times dat dey bcame - TopicsExpress


Lord Jesus pls forgive ur people during these times dat dey bcame helpless and as f asking u n telling u dat u hav forsaken dem, bt Lord Jesus help,ur people to remember dat in evry action dat we had der s always a consequence,u nevr failed to remind us to LOVE n dat includes loving humanity n ur creation..during these times of climate change, we may hav suffered a lot, bt sometimes lessons r learned thru consequences, n wat ws lost s really hard to restore, we sinned against ur creation,abusing it n selfishly ur people r only thinking of their own selves, ur word n d bible s reali meant to b read n ponderd n prayed upon for everything n evry warning was there..ultimately u died so dat we will hav hope..ryt nw all those ho hav lost evrything specially their love ones had somehow partake d kind of suffering u had for us,giving ur only son Jesus Christ who suffered so much n died for us, bt then even up to these days n age, ur people remained stubborn n deaf to ur cry.For every murder, stealing of dignity,immoralities,blasphemy,torture, corruption,violence,selfishness, n making their very own selves like God n worst not even believing dat u exist! These things had truly bleed ur heart, and for sooo long ur people turn deaf to ur call n cry, bt nw oh Lord ur people say u turn ur eyes away frm us..Lord forgive ur people for they do not know wat they r doing n saying,these r d words dat u had uttered on ur moment of death, at these times once again we plead for ur mercy dat u will forgive us n hav mercy on us,pls heal,transform, n soften d heart of ur people, guide us to ur heart dat dey wl nt b overcome w/ helplessness, anger, violence n desperation, pls Lord send ur messengers to these places, giv our leaders n ur people d wisdom, d ryt way on givng immediate access to those in need, by ur power n might everything Lord wl b possible, we claim once again ur promise dat u r d way, d truth n d life n dat we seek n we shall find, we knock n u wl open d door for us n ask n u will grant us..Jesus in ur mighty name we plead for mercy n salvation..please save d Philipiines, save d victims all over our country, save us oh God..amen..
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:57:32 +0000

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