Lord Jesus we come today giving Thanks and honor for all you have - TopicsExpress


Lord Jesus we come today giving Thanks and honor for all you have done..Lord im coming to you asking for healing over the mind Lord mJesus Lord im coming to you this morning asking you to touch someones heart heavonly Father Lord im coming to you asking for you to protect our childern heavonly Father askng you to heal someone from depression Lord Jesus from hurt Lord Jesus from pain Lord Jesus from Death Lord Jesus wether it be from feath of the mind spirit or sickness Lord Jesus Lord im asking you to go into someones household Lord Jesus and touch in a way only you can Lord Jesus im asking for Supernatural healing Lord Jesus Lord im binding up hurt, anger, depression, mental illness, suffering, proverty, hunger, greed, stongholds and any demonic curse satan has set out to detour someone from your Glory...Lord Jesus im asking for your Grace to continue to fall upon us Heavonly Father...Lord Im saying Thank you for everything you have done and everything you are going to do..Lord im saying Thankm you for what you did...Im saying Thank you for dojng something that no man can ever do...Lord Jesus Im Thank you for enduring that pain of having thrones dug into you head Lord Jesus im saying Thank You the pain of being nailed to the cross Lord For the pain of being pierced in the sidr Lord Jesus for the pain of ever lashing you took on your back Lord Jesus for every stream of Blood that poured from your body Lord Jesus if i had a 1000 tounges i couldnt say thank you enough Lord Jesus..Lord im asking you to continue you use Pastor Wayne Hoye Lord Jesus so he can continue to feed his sheep Lords Jesus Touch every Minister of this nation Heavonly Father Lord Jesus Expand someones territory Lord Jesus...Lord Jesus continue to use me as a vessel Lord Jesus Purify me Lord...In Jesus Jesus I say Amen
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:50:54 +0000

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