Lord Jesus, who welcomes all who come to You in a humble and - TopicsExpress


Lord Jesus, who welcomes all who come to You in a humble and contrite spirit, We lay before You the burden of our sins and ask You for Your gracious pardon. Lord, we have not done today all that You have asked us to do, and we confess our sins to You, who alone can cover our transgressions, and we pray You to remember them no more. Lord, help us to be stronger because of Your forgiveness, happier because of Your mercy, and more willing to serve You because of Your love. Watch over us tonight, and favor us with refreshing rest and peaceful sleep. Should we close our eyes in sleep for the last time, awaken us to the brightness of Your glory and to the blis of eternal fellowship with You. You have been our Refuge and strength, a very present Help in trouble. You have been our shield and exceeding great Reward. How can we thank You for Your kindness, and how can we praise You sufficiently for Your mercies? Eternity will be too short, Lord Jesus, to utter all Your praise. Lord, we commend ourselves, our body and soul, to Your safekeeping. You are faithful, and we trust in You. Amen. Good night everyone..MAY THE LORD GIVE HIS HOLY ANGELS CHARGE TO WATCH OVER YOU WHILE YOU SLEEP. GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 23:31:00 +0000

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