Lord Krishna says, ‘I remain untouched by all karma and its - TopicsExpress


Lord Krishna says, ‘I remain untouched by all karma and its fruits’. Think of a person who is sitting on a train and looking outside the window. The scenery from the window keeps changing, but this person simply sits and watches it all go by. Stations keep coming one after another, yet this person is simply sitting, observing it all. He does not interfere in the changes that are happening outside. He does not say, ‘Oh, this scenery should not be there’. He knows that saying this is of no use because it will not change what is happening outside. So in this way, he sits and observes everything with a sense of apathy. Lord Krishna says, ‘I observe everything (all actions) with a sense of apathy, as Nature goes about doing its job. I am not attached to anything that happens because I know the nature of the three Gunas (Satguna, Rajoguna andTamoguna). It is me who has created these Gunas and their nature. They operate as per the Divine laws designed by Me. So when they are functioning as per the laws that govern them, why should I interfere in their function? So I remain detached from the play of the three Gunas and simply observe everything that happens’. There is consciousness deep within every person. Everything is operating because of this consciousness, which is why, whatever we do, we are also a witness to that action as well. (This is because it is the consciousness that is the source cause of all action). There is this feeling that it is all just happening. Whenever you do some very good work, you feel, ‘I did not do anything. Everything simply happened on its own (through me)’. How many of you here have had this experience? (Many in the audience raise their hands). For example, you achieved a great task and everyone praises you for completing it, yet you feel that ‘I did not do anything. It all happened on its own. It is God who did everything (meaning to feel a sense of non-doership)’. Have you ever felt this way? || Jai Guru Dev ||
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 17:09:52 +0000

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