Lord, am I doing all of this right? This life Youve entrusted - TopicsExpress


Lord, am I doing all of this right? This life Youve entrusted to me, these people Youve entrusted to me, this calling Youve entrusted to me ... I desperately want to get it right. To live without painful regret gnawing deep within. To know that I gave it my very best. To please You. Love them. Smile more than frowning. Laugh more than I complain. See the beauty tucked within all these sacred moments of just being together and remember to whisper, Thank You. Thank You for all of it. The whole package deal of good and bad and highs and lows. For all that mixed together sets about a process of making me. The me that needs the tough stuff to mature me. The sad moments to soften me. The thrilling moments to invigorate me. The poignant moments to endear me. The complicated moments to challenge me. The quiet moments to unrush me. I need it all. But sometimes, in the midst of all the moments that are making me into the man You created me to be, I get awfully tired and discouraged. And I find myself sitting in my driveway wondering. Staring at the culmination of thousands of decisions Ive made that have brought me here. To this home. This family. This life. I made my decisions and then my decisions made me. Im thankful, yes. So very thankful. But I need You to whisper reassurance into my heart that Youre with me. That You see me. And that You are pleased with me. I just need to know, Lord, am I doing this right?
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 08:32:57 +0000

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