Lord, as we come to the end of the first day of this week, we - TopicsExpress


Lord, as we come to the end of the first day of this week, we thank You for being with us, for walking the walk with us, for giving us strength when we are weak, rest when we are weary, comfort when we are hurt, hope when we feel hopeless, and help when we feel helpless. Lord, we thank You for all things, from the greatest to the smallest, sometime Lord, we tend to overlook the smallest blessings and only recognize the biggest ones, may we be grateful for everything that You give us, and always give You thanks. Lord, I pray for each of Your churches that do not have a under-shepherd, that You give patience to Your flock, and Lord, if there is one that You have in mind for any of Your churches, that You lead, guide, and direct Your flock to listen with open hearts and open minds, and that nothing be done unless You are the center of it all. Again, Lord, there is so much sickness among us, that we ask that You reach down, and cover each one with Your Mighty touch. And tonight, Lord, I continue to lift up Cameron Mineer, I know Lord, that You were in that operating room today, and that Your presence is with him in his hospital room, help him Lord, give him the strength to do what has to be done, touch his back Lord, relieve any discomfort that he may be in, and in the Mighty name of Jesus, I ask that You heal him completely. Be with his family, Mackenzie, and his friends, give them patience, comfort, and peace of mind, let them feel Your presence in a mighty way. Do, Lord, what no one else can do. We know Lord, that You always have a plan and a purpose for all things, and sometime we dont understand, but, we pray that You will whisper in their ear, that You are God, and that You are in control, and I pray that they turn everything over to You. Lord, I also lift up to You the Buchanan family as they get ready to say their earthly good-bye to their loved one, may You bring peace and comfort to them, and Lord, I know that there are others that are missing loved ones, And I know that You are a Mighty God, a God whose hands can cover this whole world with mercy and grace, and a God whose hand is so gentle that it can hold the smallest child. Lord, again, I pray that You be with each of my friends, and family, that You hold each of us close to You, and give us a gentle night of rest, and awaken us to another day that You have made. It is in the precious and loving name of Jesus that I ask these things. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 03:18:34 +0000

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