Lord clean this house from the inside out. Lord as you said in - TopicsExpress


Lord clean this house from the inside out. Lord as you said in Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. I dont just want any spirit, but I want your Holy Spirit. I thank you I am not where I was not so long ago. Lord I am grateful you have DELIVERED me from worrying about the negative things people have said & will continue to say about me. In fact I am grateful because its a sign I am becoming more like you because if I wasnt everyone would love me. God I am so grateful that I now see myself the way you see me. Lord it is a blessing to have a heavenly FATHER I can come to who can comfort me in any situation. One who is not like man who will comfort me to my face & then talk about me or my situation later. It is a blessing to have a heavenly FATHER who looks at me with ALL my imperfections & loves me in-spite of me. It is a blessing to have a heavenly FATHER who sees me as his PRINCESS. Lord I thank you for everyone who has ever said & will ever say a negative thing about me. For everyone who spoke into existence I will never be nothing or I will fail. Lord thanks for proving them WRONG. Lord I thank you for everyone who identified I had an assignment & chose to attack me & my assignment. Lord thank you for them because now I realize they where on an assignment as well. Lord it was good for me that I was afflicted. Your word says in Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. I am grateful I dont have to be in competition/prove myself to others because my assignment is by far too great to take my eyes off you & place it on the things of this world. Lord I am grateful I can celebrate even the ones who dont celebrate me because you said in your word I am to rejoice when others rejoice. Lord I am grateful because I know it was you who have set me FREE. The shackles are off my feet & now I can dance. I can only imagine how the slaves felt when the were set free by their masters. Thank God I am FREE. I am no longer bound by the things of my past. It nor the people of my past can no longer hurt me. Thank you for breaking every chain & loosing everything that once bounded me. Lord I am grateful you have made me over & now I can choose if I let people dump their trash in my trash can. Thank you for giving me this year as my year of jubilee. MY latter, YOUR latter WILL BE GRATER THAN MY/YOUR PAST. Lord I thank you for everyone you have ordained to be in my life mentoring, praying, nurturing, & loving me. Most of all Lord I thank you for everyone who had & will have something negative to say about me because the helped to set the small flame into a HUGE forest fire. Stay blessed & continue to walk in Gods grace, mercy, favor, & most importantly his LOVE. Amen!!!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 09:43:12 +0000

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