Lord, have I backslid? A tale of John Wesley. The great - TopicsExpress


Lord, have I backslid? A tale of John Wesley. The great preacher John Wesley was riding along on his horse one day when he realized that three days had passed, and he had not been persecuted in any way. Not a single brick had been thrown in his direction. He had not been hit by an egg, or come under some form of attack. So he actually stopped his horse and said out loud, Could it be that I am backslidden or I have sinned? Slipping down from his horse, he knelt on one knee and asked the Lord to show him if there was anything wrong with him spiritually. About that time a farmer who disliked Wesley came along. When he saw him kneeling in prayer, he picked up a brick and threw it at him, barely missing the preacher. When Wesley saw the brick fly by, he threw his hands in the air and he said, Thank you, Lord! I know I still have Your presence.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 18:55:32 +0000

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