Lord have mercy. What an evening trying to get home from - TopicsExpress


Lord have mercy. What an evening trying to get home from Culpeper!! First if all me and the 3 go to Walmart. I told Scott to take the boys to the toy department so I could get the Redskin coats and hats, so what does he do... Go to the electronics dept which us right across from the coats and Jonboy says hey momma so me not thinking yelled at Scott and said thanks a lot. So they went on and I got them and checked out and went to the car and back in the store to get the rest if my stuff thank god they didnt see me put the cots in the cart. So we finally leave and get to the car and Scott says the damn tire is almost flat. So we got something to eat and we stopped at three stores to get air and every store charged a dollar and the man wouldnt let me get a dollar off my debit card. He didnt even care that my tire was going flat. So we drove to Ruckersville at 50 mph. We get about 500 ft from luck stone and traffic us backed up to the light , Scott started laughing. We thought it was a wreck but it wasnt. We sat in traffic for 30 min. We finally get up to the light and traffic is still backed up at the intersection do I swerved over to the right in the gravel and went up 33 to make a u turn in front of credit union. We get to Exxon and the air was out of order we go to bp and they wanted a dollar by this time we were hysterical. So I pulled in the truck stop and the wires on the air pump were almost cut and Scott said dont get it youll get shocked. I did it anyway and nothing happened so I got my air and proceeded to pull out and almost hit a car. Still laughing. Get to the light and almost hit the sign, I cant see to drive at night. Going up 33 Scott said mom did you get the quarters for the vending machine when we go see dad and I said no Im broke. Then he say did you get the green dot card to put on his account and I said no still laughing. I made a few phone calls and thank god for friends and family so I go back to Walmart and almost hit another sign pulling in the parking lot. On the way home I hit a skunk. So Im home after almost killing us , forgetting about my poor husband sitting where he is. Now Im home SAFE waiting for him to call. What a night !!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 01:20:55 +0000

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