Lord, help us all to live a life that is the direct opposite of - TopicsExpress


Lord, help us all to live a life that is the direct opposite of the deceitful, liar, pretender, confused wicked, pathological con artist we know or see in the mirror. Help us to put off falsehood and to speak truthfully to all people. And when our tempers flare and our nerves are shot and our blood is boiling, Lord, keep us from sin. Give us the courage to name what has caused us to feel angry and to address it in love. Lord, we do not want to allow the enemy to use our mind, body, or spirit as a vessel to wreck our homes or the homes of others. We pray that we will no longer allow HOME-wreckers to steal the love, the peace, or the joy of our home’sunity. We pray that every negative energy or action will be blocked and transformed by your power to something useful, something that can be shared to improve the quality of life in our home. Lord, we pray that our home will be known as a place where all will experience our kindness, compassion, and forgiveness as we have already received from You. Amen! Holy One, we rejoice that in you is unity. You are one in the totality of yourself and for that we are grateful. We thank you for this model of one-ness which gives us the promise that unity can be a reality in our homes and HOME-wreckers will not survive or thrive iat our address. We thank you that as we choose to respond to Your call to hope, we are saying yes to being one with You, who is over all and through all and in all. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 14 Sep 2013 06:52:47 +0000

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